creativepearl in #hive-153850 • last monthCOPING MECHANISMS**After my last post here, you'd think I was going to be the most consistent pecreativepearl in #hive-153850 • 4 months agoHELLO AGAIN, HIVEIt feels like I have been away from here since forever and when I checked the last I pcreativepearl in #hive-124452 • 6 months agoRAIN IS THERAPY [LOH #204][Image source](creativepearl in #hive-153850 • 7 months agoPARENTING IN THE DIGITAL AGEI was still thinking about this a couple of days ago when listening to a podcast about parenting. It wasn't even the topic or something that was briefly mentioned, it just popped…creativepearl rebloggedyoung-tari in #hive-153850 • 7 months agoParents or platform owners!!*Growing up, the phone I had was far from being smart "You can say unsmart" If there is any phone like that, cause this particular phone that was gifted to me by my big sister…creativepearl rebloggedlayormie in #hive-153850 • 7 months agoARE EXAMS REALLY NECESSARY?Last week, I finally completed my second-semester exams, marking a significant milestone in my academic journey.creativepearl in #hive-196233 • 7 months agoI GUESS YOU REALLY CANNOT ESCAPE DESTINY[Img source](creativepearl in #hive-153850 • 7 months agoLIMIT ON EARNINGS DOESN'T REFLECT A FAIR WORLD[Img source](https://creativepearl in #hive-151662 • 7 months agoDISCOVERING JUST THE PERFECT PODCAST FOR ME[Image source](https:creativepearl in #hive-153850 • 7 months agoTHE PROBLEM THAT KEEPS GETTING WORSEFor as long as I can remember, there has always been issues with fuel in my country which in turn affects so many other things in the economy. The least amount I remember buying…creativepearl in #hive-153850 • 7 months agoOBEYING THE CLARION CALL AT WHAT COST?You see, this promptcreativepearl in #hive-140084 • 7 months agoI USED TO HAVE A THING FOR SPORTS[Img source](https://creativepearl rebloggedyoung-tari in #hive-166847 • 8 months agoHijack 1971~the review*I've always been attracted to movies that tell the stories of a true life event, you might say "That's what attracted me to this one" but nope, I didn't know this movie was a…creativepearl in #hive-153850 • 7 months agoTHIS IS FAIR TAXATION TO ME[Image source](creativepearl in #hive-153850 • 7 months agoSOMETIMES, IT'S OKAY TO LET PEOPLE GO[Image source](creativepearl in #hive-166847 • 8 months agoWHO ELSE IS ANTICIPATING 'IT ENDS WITH US' MOVIE?Img source The fact that this movie is going to be out tomorrow reconcreativepearl in #hive-153850 • 8 months agoDOES THE INTENTIONS BEHIND A KIND ACT REALLY MATTER? [Image source](creativepearl in #hive-11060 • 8 months agoGOING DOWN THE MEMORY LANEWe all have some unforgettcreativepearl in #hive-153850 • 8 months agoMODERACY IS KEY FOR HEALTHY LIVING[Img source](creativepearl in #hive-11060 • 8 months agoSOMETIMES, YOU HAVE TO RESCUE YOURSELFSo, I had to take matters