eugemaradona in #hive-180164 • 12 days agoBook review: La zona muerta/The dead zone, Stephen KingFuenteeugemaradona in #hive-100067 • 23 days agoBizcochuelo de chocolate con pasas/ Chocolate sponge cake with raisins Esta receta me la pasó una tía y como era fin de semana largo aquí en mi país meugemaradona in #hive-180164 • last monthBook review: Diario de la guerra del cerdo (Diary of the pig war), Adolfo Bioy Casares.Hello book-loving community! Today I wanted to recommend you a book by this Argeugemaradona rebloggedmairene1 in #hive-180164 • 2 months agoAnimales Fantásticos (Review) English subtitles▶️ Watch on 3Speak Hello friends of #HiveBookClueugemaradona in #hive-179291 • 2 months agoCuento: "Percepciones"Percepciones La señora Ofelia poseía algo que muchos le envidiaban: buen olfato, bueneugemaradona rebloggedbethyjade in #hive-166847 • 2 months agoSquid Game Season II Review (ESP/ENG)[Fuente](eugemaradona rebloggedcarmen1659 in #hive-178265 • 3 months agoCooking hallacas (ESP/ENG)Made with Canva Editor Imagen editada en Canva Hello my beautiful people Happy New Year! May God grant you the mosteugemaradona in #hive-100067 • 3 months agoReceta/Recipe: Tomaticán (ENG/ESP)¡Hola hermosa comunidad! Hoy traigo una receta muy fácil y rápida, ideal para una cena. Los ingredientes soeugemaradona in #hive-100067 • 3 months agoReceta/Recipe: Pan dulce navideño/ Christmas sweet bread (ENG/ESP)Como estamos cerca de navidad me gustaría dejarles esta receta de pan dulce bastante sencilla. El pan dulce meeugemaradona in #hive-166847 • 4 months agoMovie review: Pedro Páramo (ENG/ESP) Fuente Me gustaría recomendarles esta película mexiceugemaradona in #hive-120586 • 4 months agoReceta/Recipe: bizcochuelo en taza y sin huevo/sponge cake in a cup and without eggsHello everyone! This recipe for sponge cake in a cup is very easy and economical, useful when you go to theeugemaradona in #hive-180164 • 4 months agoBook Review: A fuego lento / A Slow Fire Burning, Paula Hawkins (ENG/ESP)Today I bring you a review of a book by an author I love: Paula Hawkins, you may know her as the author ofeugemaradona in #hive-180164 • 5 months agoA book that disappointed me / Un libro que me decepcionó: Verity, de Colleen Hoover (ENG/ESP)When I first heard about this book I was quite intrigued by its synopsis. The author was known to me for heeugemaradona in #hive-166847 • 5 months agoSerie review: Manifest / Manifiesto (ENG/ESP)Fuenteeugemaradona in #hive-179291 • 5 months agoPoema: El HuracánFuenteeugemaradona in #hive-166847 • 6 months agoMovie review: Llamas de venganza/ Firestarter (ENG/ESP) Hello everyone! The other days I saw this movie, even though it's from 2022, and I liked the idea of analyzeugemaradona in #hive-166847 • 6 months agoMovie review: The Watchers/Observados (ENG/ESP)Fuenteeugemaradona in #hive-109876 • 6 months agoReceta para darle brillo a tu cabello/ Recipe to give shine to your hair (ENG/ESP)Si sos de usar mucho la planchita o el secador de pelo seguro has notado el cabello opaco y seco. Esta receta eeugemaradona in #hive-179291 • 6 months agoRelato de terror / Horror story (Eng/Esp):¡Hola a todos! En mi niñez una de mis tías solía contar cuentos de terror a todos sus sobrinos, cuando noseugemaradona rebloggedmairene1 in #hive-139925 • 6 months agoLetras inspiradoras: Canciones que me inspiran (Iniciativa) ESP/ENG(Portada diseñada por mi en el editor de Canva) Cover designed by me in ca