“The Shakesphere” is open, but we need to get in there fast”, typed @anidiotexplores on Messenger. Facebook is useful for some things occasionally, though texting would work just as well in theory.
I had little idea what he was blabbering about but guessed it was a local pub. It sounded 'pubbish', and as several close down every week, it was a calculated guess.
What I didn’t know was, or at least initially, ‘The Shakesphere’ was owned by a local gangster, though this information appears not to be in the public forum. Could we explore it, and get out with all our limbs attached?
If Victor Clubber turned up to inspect his property while we were inside, harmlessly taking photographs, Vic would live up to his name and we could be bludgeoned to death.
The Shakesphere*” was auctioned in 2022 but failed to meet the reserve price. A year later the 100-year-old Grade listed building had caught the attention of the Urban Exploring community.
Standing outside “The Shakesphere”, we weighed up the options. A spikey gate, with little to visually offer far side, or the huge wooden gate left of the front.
“That gate was open before?”, mumbled @anidiotexplores as though it had taken some kind of dislike to him.
Puzzled about his sudden lack of charisma, my comrade started fiddling with the attached chain. It wasn’t secure though it looked the part, and we found ourselves within the grounds after a little profanity and frustration.
From there it was simple enough as one of the windows had been handily smashed. A little climbing and we were inside a pub markedly unmolested by the masses.
I hoped to find information regarding Victor’s criminal seedy past but found a relatively stripped public house, albeit with the bar tools still attached.
I was always crap at these table football games, now found occasionally within the decrepit arcades of Blackpool. They are more than a little dated and not often found in today's pubs, where the commonly seen pool table is more popular.
Rugby is something else I never got to grips with. I don't even know the rules. Rugby is for English Jocks if there ever was such a thing. It can be compared to American Football but without the padding and is for the 'hard men' who don't mind losing teeth while playing.
They always leave glasses behind, sometimes lots of them.
... as well as tonics and sometimes wine, though these were of the 'used' type in “The Shakesphere"
Was this a summon to jail for the local gangland boss? Unfortunately, no, just some canvassing blurb from your local politician hoping for support based on past deeds.
Another junk mail article did reveal a name, Miss Perry. Was this Vic's bit of skirt on the side?
The trophies remain, but what of the old pool table? They must have taken it away while moving out all the valuable gear.
We started for the stairs hoping for a little more action.
That's a lot of pictures, all quite blurry, and more than one that looks suspiciously like @anidiotexplores. He never told me he was a regular. Is this where the inside knowledge erupted from?
Looking closely, I can see where Vic learned the ropes. Play Grand Theft Auto V and you will become an underworld gangster. That’s what the experts tell us.
Some type of playback device, but I don't recognise it.
A bleak-looking bed with a few razor blades. A great place to tie someone up and make them submit to your demands with those sharp edges. The clues were gathering.
Parts of “The Shakesphere” looked normal such as the kitchen.
Other areas were decorated in pink, even the furniture.
Want to know the time? That information was simply not on the table and while tied down and helpless it can be a blessing to not know how long the torture lasts.
Pool cues, some of them not quite intact were found scattered around the old pub. Handy for beating people.
On searching further, the customary tonic waters left behind at pubs were discovered. All are very drinkable and in this case probably not expired.
The staircase was old and mahogany-themed.
This sign had fallen off a door, the door attached to the room where Vic used to pulverize information out of his enemy. It was all so clear.
There had never been a pool table, the trophies were a farce and cover.
These were weapons of choice. Tie down the enemies’ hands and wrap a pool cue down hard or utilise those blades. The old cellar was opening the story up more and revealing the truth. Who needs illegal weapons to run a successful gang?
If you don't believe me, look at that box of DVDs. Search through that box and you will find all the best gangster movies ever made. Inspiration comes via plagiarism of actions.
The cellar, point of fact was teeming with junk. If I didn't have impending thoughts of Vic arriving, I might have rummaged through all this crap more. One doesn’t fuck around when on gangster home territory.
Celebrating 30 years or something or other glasses. I don't recognise the logo.
“The Shakesphere” is a commanding-looking building, located on a crossroads, and is teeming with old English character. It's also in the process of renovation or has been securely sealed, we are not sure.
We were glad to be out and gone, this was a quick and tense exploration.
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