Rotherham; a first-class shithole and one of the dark pestilence holes of South Yorkshire.
Perfect for some F-Class explores, just the type I love. No people, no security, no stress, as nobody gives a shit about these types of properties.
Apart from straddling a major road, we had little difficulty getting to 'Millside Centre'; in fact, spotting it was the toughest aspect.
Being a little set back from the roadside and with unruly bushes blocking the view, I patted myself on the back, again for my preparation work.
Millside Centre was a former learning centre used by Rotherham council. It was closed in 2010 and remained empty until 2018 when a fire wrecked it. More recently it has been sold but remains in the same condition as what you see here.
In 2023, the owners were prosecuted by Rotherham Council for neglect of their property, fined £5000 and ordered to pay £2,819 costs and a victim surcharge of £2,000.
The article also mentions the owners failed to show up in court. I do wonder if they have done a runner and the property had been seized and sold to some other dork who they can charge again for the same reasons.
No fencing, no rails, no barbed wire to impede us. What we witnessed was an overgrown path-come road lined by overgrown weeds and a fire-gutted building on the left.
Piles of shit were dotted all around and not the type that you want to go close to, lest a rat or two might scurry out and lunge for your neck.
There was little chance those decaying broken cameras were going to be functional, and they looked more like large smashed spotlights than a security system.
The brickwork looked old and possibly hailed from the early 20th century. Not ancient but certainly not from the pre-fab décor of the 1960s and 1970s.
Some thoughtful being had provided some seating for us explorers to take a breather.
We could admire the view of discarded mattress bases, non-working electrical units, gaudy sofa parts as well as several large see-through bags of dog-shit all in a single setting.
A pair of large breasts once inhabited this sizable pink bra, I do wonder if it had been ripped off in a lustful orgy of debauchery within the outer confines of 'Millside Centre'.
Watching your head is always a priority when navigating between overgrown bushes and decaying fire-ridden former ceilings. They can give you a nasty scrape if you don't look where you are going.
There had to be a way in, and it was not difficult to spot after a partial walk-around.
What a delight, and worth the wait tenfold. We could walk to the corners, avoiding the holes in the floor, and then back out again... such a buzz.
Correctly positioning your mattress for an overnight stay is critical. Poor judgement could mean a highly uneven surface resulting in sleep deprivation and back problems.
That's' some thrilling artwork to feast your eyes on when using the free board and lodgings facilities, only marred by an unwanted sticker.
With a little care, and some dedicated climbing there was accommodation for the homeless on the upper storey complete with a beautiful view of the night sky.
The tiles gave away some history. They were not 'Victorian Green' but looked distinctly from the aforementioned era I noted earlier. Only a small section remained.
It does look suspiciously like an old school from a century ago, perhaps for the younger kids. It was far too small for a secondary school, but no information appears to be available besides the more recent type.
Not a person in sight, but why would there be?
We left ‘Millside Centre’ in search of the many other vandalised ruins in Rotherham.
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