What's going on in my life?

in #ecencylast year (edited)

Hello Hive people! Long time no see....

Image created with a profile pic in nightcafe

New Work

As some of you might know I was very unhappy with my former job. It took me a while to quit my job and start working for a new company. After a few months of working at the new place, meeting new co-workers, and having another boss, I am sure it was the right decision. In total, I work fewer hours per month than before. So I have more spare time that I can use for fixing things at home for example. Back then I was too tired and unmotivated to do anything. It was like a little burnout.
There is also an opportunity to improve the job and my income further.
We'll see!
I bought an E-Scooter to drive to the workplace, which is around 5km away. Our car broke down last December. After a few calculations, knowing that a new car would most likely stand unused in front of our home, I didn't want to buy a new one and pay the debt for some years. Why should I pay for a car which would be used once a week? So I drive the Scooter and my wife uses her motorcycle and we save more money that way.

Social Media

I also cut most social media ropes. I needed time for myself, time to workout with my kettlebell and my new mace, and time outside in nature. Going out for a hike and enjoying it while thinking about life and how I will improve it. It felt like I was wasting too much time on all the social media.


I'm investing money in different projects like Bitcoin and real estate every month. I can't imagine working till 67 and that motivates me to save money for the future. Last week, someone from the 21 Bitcoin community mentioned a book and I bought it. Some things I already improved in the last let's say 10 years, are mentioned in the book but there are very good tips inside. Like: Do you need a car? Are you paying too much to go to work? Could you work less and save money this way? Could you work from home?
Also being debt-free will save you a lot of money. Going for an expensive holiday and paying twice as much or more to your bank is crazy. The author wants you to follow every cent that comes in and goes out. I started with a household book again to track my income and expenses. I did this many years ago and it helped me to see where I spend too much money or buy unnecessary things. Now I track my investments too. (I should implement my Hive savings somehow. I have to figure out how I can track BTC and Hive there.)
The Bitcoin community has much good information about money, not just Bitcoin. I learned a lot about finance and fiat money in the last 2 years.
My self-built Lightning Node is still running.

HaushaltsbuchGraphic from my housholdbook software


I posted a few of my kettlebell workouts in the past so you know what I'm doing. No gym is needed, I work out at home or in my garden. Yesterday I got a mace which I wanted for quite a while. I'm also in a little group 'Wander Mäuse' and the plan is to train for the little 'Mega Marsch' which is 50km in 12h. I got a T-shirt for the walk 'It's a mouse thing, you would not understand'.

Our training is still under 20km and we have to train to improve.

Example what you can do with a mace


We rented a field again and I'm excited for the fresh self-grown vegetables we will get. I wrote in the past about how good the vegetables are. No fertilizer and no chemical pest control.

What now?

I am working on my plan not to work until I'm 67. What kind of life is it to work nearly 2/3 of your given time on earth and pay so much taxes? What about enjoying life at some point? Maybe traveling around the world? Having enough money to live a good life. You don't need to be super rich to achieve that, but enough money without worrying about food and a sleeping place and a few little other things, but nothing crazy expensive.
That's it for today. Thanks for reading and please comment on your ideas and plans for a better life.

Support chaosmagic23 on buymeberries
BitCoin with Lightning
Posted using Ecency Love

Images and screenshots are from me


Ich freu mich riesig von dir zu hören, vor allem, dass der neue Job nicht so an dir zährt 🙏 juhu!

Dankeschön! Ich freu mich auch das die Kündigung vorher der richtige Schritt war. Jetzt ist nicht nur vieles besser, sondern es haben sich ein paar Türen aufgemacht. Bin gespannt ob das alles so klappt.

Ich drücke die Daumen dass es klappt 🙂 Hauptsache du bist aus diesem negativ Strudel raus

Ich danke dir. 🥰 Ja, da fragt man sich hinterher warum man das überhaupt so lange mitgemacht hat. Manchmal geht man echt verschwenderisch und unbedacht mit seiner Lebenszeit um.

Och alles hat seinen Sinn 😉 ohne den alten Job hättest du vielleicht nie die Zeit gehabt um all die Leute hier kennenzulernen
Wie heißt das Buch eigentlich?

Da hast du recht.
Ich hab die Hörbuch Version von dem Buch. Konnte ich jetzt immer bei der Kontrollfahrten durch das Werk hören. 😄

Aha nie davon gehört ich setz es mal auf den Merkzettel für nächsten audible Monat 🙂 danke

Ich kannte es auch nicht. Ich geh jetzt mal raus, ein bisschen um den See wandern.

I had a similar experience with my job. Maybe even more night and day. I really do like to get a lot of my self esteem from being a productive member of society, which might sound pitiful but I think it is a very big drive especially in Germans to do something for the greater good and I am just acknowledging that fact for myself.

That is why I am not big on financial independence/ early retirement, but I do think having big savings/investments is really neat and cancels out a lot of anxiety one might have otherwise.

Yeah, doing something for the greater good is great. The author mentioned that people started voluntary jobs after they got their finances right and could work less. Thank you for commenting.

Awesome, great to see you turning things around in many aspects of your life. I have never heard of this Mace tool before, great job!

It's like an 'Abrißhammer' 😂 or like we said back then 'Tante Olga'. 😂😂

It's good to hear that the new job is better for you. Anyway, at this age, it's time to give up a bit 😎

Yes! The book I mentioned in the post, also said this. There is no need to collect stuff you never use or hold on things you did many years ago. So I have books, for example, I will never read again. I should sell them on eBay. Same with my LPs and CDs. It's like cleaning up my life.

Great to see a post from you!

Diggi, wie hast du das denn geschafft? Der Post ist 5 Monate alt!


Was meinst du genau?
Wegen der notifications? Das liegt wohl eher an Ecency oder so.

Du hast vor 5 Tagen auf einen 5 Monate alten Post gevoted... oder das ist der erste Bug im proof of brain frontend den ich gefunden habe :D

Man kann schon immer auf alle Posts/ Kommentare, auch uralte, voten - man bekommt dann halt nur keine Rewards (weder Voter noch Poster), da es eben schon viel älter als die 7 Tage ist und somit der Reward bereits ausgeshcüttet wurde.

Es ist quasi nur noch ein symbolischer Vote. Und deine HP wandert direkt wieder in den Reward Pool (so, wie wenn man gedownvotet wird)

Alles Beste

Oder ich war betrunken und hab's nicht gesehen. Vor 5 Tagen war ich noch an der Ostsee und den ein oder anderen Abend hatte ich ein paar Störtebeker zuviel. 🤣