When I went into Lipa Market last year with my mama and little brother, I felt the sense of nostalgia in it. Even though it's been years since I've been there, there's still some spot and area that I'm familiar with. It's because I've been there with my late sister a lot of times too during our morning walk to buy stuff back in 2018. When I walk in there, I feel like I was back to when my sister was still with us. I am just glad that I have those memories with her. But there is still a time that I feel so sad and mad that she's gone. I just feel like it is so unfair, I can't completely erase this sad feeling of her going away, and for good at that. Aigooo.

Anyways, when I visit this place with Mama and my little brother, everyone is really busy, and it's too crowded. The market in Lipa is really big, and there are a lot of stalls too where you can buy everything, but then it is still so busy because of the crowd. My town's market is small, so it's kinda overwhelming. The times when we're walking, I had to hold on to Mom's shirt as I am so afraid that I might get lost in there. Lol.

And the reason why we're here was to explore Lipa, have fun, and enjoy the day. We visit different establishments before heading to the Lipa market. And that's how we enjoy the rest of the day. Getting busy and just enjoying our vacation, hehe.

Look at all the fruits available in here. It'll be fun to shop here if you have unlimited money. Haha. As for us, we're just planning to get a few pieces of this and that Lol.

We also visited the wet market, and I just noticed some spots with a really small pathway. Like, there's a lot of stalls for the fish and meat, and there's that small space for the pathway. Well, at least they have a lot of choices here with the number of sellers they have. And I also remember this spot here. I used to come here with my sister too.

Here's more on different spots (☞^o^) ☞, and it's more spacious here. If I visit here alone, I'll surely get lost with how big Lipa Market is. I need to visit it like 20 times for me to get used to it, haha. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

And here's their vegetable section. You know, I thought the prices of veggies and fruits in our town were already high, but then I discovered it's more pricey here than in our town. Same with the cooked vegetable dish. We saw a vendor selling cooked meals on our way, and when we checked the prices, a half order of a vegetable dish was 30 pesos. While back home, we're already complaining about the 20 pesos for a half order of vegetable dish, haha. We know that inflation is real, but it's really just a little complaint of my poor self. Lol

We go back home with a little stuffs, mostly foods on our Dali eco bag after our long walk in Lipa Market. Ehe
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