The Feast of St Brigid (Celtic goddess turned Christian Saint) or Imbolc, is an ancient and somewhat forgotten holiday that falls on 1 February, midway between the winter solstice and the vernal equinox. . Her day is celebrated throughout Ireland and Scotland.
St. Brigid’s Day is said to bring bright weather, ushering in the spring.
It is said that the lark and blackbird begin to sing on St Brigid’s Day, and that the birds of the air begin their mating season.
You might go for walks or sit out in nature – try to find signs of springtime life. Even in my area when things are buried under the snow, I can find signs of things green and growing! It's easier this year as we have had very little snow.
Feb 2 Candlemas (Christian) “Chasing out the Yule” includes feasts, and weather divinations, (such as Groundhog Day). Candlemas brought people to their churches with their bread and their candles, to have them blessed for the year.
Pancakes and crepes are a traditional food associated with the day.
This is a time of rejuvenation, rebirth, reconnecting, renewal, reuniting – out with the old, in with the new. Maybe this means cleaning some part of your home, donating things you don't need. Open the windows if you can, even briefly, to let the fresh air in. In many traditions, a broom or besom would be used to sweep the home, from the back all the way out the front door. This was done literally, to clean the home, or more figuratively, to rid a home of the stale or perhaps negative energies from a long dark winter.
Because this time brings a welcome increase in longer days, candles play a large role. White candles are popular at this time.
If it is cold enough where you live or if you have a freezer, you can make and freeze ice lanterns to set outside after dark with candles in them.
You might leave offerings outside for whatever you choose to believe in, or you might just leave those offerings for the creatures that may be having a hard time finding food this time of year.
Brigid was often associated with sacred wells and waterways
We hung a birch branch beside the spring in my yard and hung nesting materials for the birds.
Video is posted on my daughters YouTube page.
The ancient Druidic prophecy for Brigid's birth was, “she would be born neither inside or out – neither in the night or the day.” It is said she was born on a threshold, at dawn.
Make a Brigid doll or Brigid cross,
There are many places on the internet with instructions for making a Brigid Cross. Brigid was often viewed as wearing white, with a green cloak. A representation of her would sometimes be hung for protection. My daughter created a Brigid doll to hang beside the front door to welcome Brigid and all the blessings for the coming year.
Happy Imbloc!