Welcome to the newest Rising Star news and updates video! What I like the most about the game is that developers NEVER STOP adding and tweaking new stuff in the game! In the last video, I mentioned changes regarding the Rankings and the newest PAWN SHOP addition, and this time, we have some new changes (or better-said additions) implemented!
So, the biggest news is additional reward added to the Pawn Shop! Until now, we had 2 rewards... The first was a special card that ONLY the person who sent the most LUCK for a day would get, and the second reward was PAWNIES that everyone gets in the amount of LUCK sent to the Pawn Shop... The most recent addition is a GOLD DISC NFT which will be given to 3 people in the Pawn Shop daily rankings! Which 3? Well to get the GOLD DISC, you have to be in Top3 at the end of the day by the NUMBER of CARDS that you sent to the Pawn Shop... So, it's not the number of LUCK that counts, but the number of CARDS sent to the shop!!!
Regarding, "regular" weekly news, we have a new festival you can attend... It's not in a specific country and is called Peace Festival this week! This week we didn't get new cards for blending, but many are still available (not expired) in the BLEND section of the game...
I was pleasantly surprised when I checked out my Rankings in the game and saw that I'm in 39th place!! That could be my best position ever! I suppose some of the people in front of me decided to send many cards to the Pawn Shop and that pushed me up... Not sure, but I'm happy where I am... Will try to keep that position by buying unique cards from the markets, blending new cards, and of course, opening packs!
Speaking of opening, I opened 36 packs as usual... I was expecting some nice EPICs, but it didn't happen... :( If you want to participate in the giveaway, pay attention close to the end of the video... I changed opinions during the opening about the cards for the giveaway...
Don't forget to check the giveaway inside the video... The rules are easy, You check the video, find the question for it, and answer it in the comment section... The lucky winner will be chosen by a random picker inside the NEXT Rising Star video!
Check out the video for more details!
If you are not playing this game, you can sign up here
Thanks for watching!
My Favorite HIVE games:
Rising Star // Crownrend // GolemOverlord // Terracore // Splinterlands
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