Last month has been a whirlwind for me with amazing memories I'll cherish forever. Now where do I start, the month started with me being a little broke cause it was a new month already and the baby girl had been expecting her pay, who said words aren't powerful "Well, they are" in the process of grumbling and frowning boom surprise!!! My phone beeps and runs like a flash to go get it, then unlocks it and scrolls down"Wow" Indeed words are powerful, and they work, even if mine were grumbling they are still words, hehe.
Before the previous month, I wasn't very active on "Hive" I find it very difficult to post, often I'd just log in and read other authors' posts without even commenting I'd log out again, and I noticed work was very much stressful, most times when I get to the office and decides to make a post, in the process of writing I'd notice my desk is full of undone jobs, so to clear my desk I'll attend to the undone jobs and finished everything by the time I'd come back to my phone the ideas of writing had left, I'd now be struggling on what to write again.
image is mine
Then March came, and the only plan I had was to be active on the blockchain, told myself I had to make a post, and even if I didn't post every day at least I had to make a post, the number of posts didn't matter, so I stick to that and was able to make some posts and the engagement part I did justice to that and I'm still doing.
When it comes to my offline life, it was amazing, my boss brought in an external auditor to teach me the advanced part of accounting, something if I wanna learn outside they'd charge me a lot of money, I'm learning for free, just glad my boss had me in his thoughts to enable me to grow in my profession, this is something I don't take for granted, I feel privileged and opportune if those are the right words.
The fun part yah!!! I had a lot of fun last month but I'm gonna share the major one, before the easter my cousin and I had this "sip and paint" stuff we'd been anticipating even before the month started, told ourselves we were gonna be there so finally the day came and we went to the venue, damn!!! Come look at paintings, I find painters creative cause it isn't easy to create an image out of the blues, on arrival the organizers approached us and gave us a tour where we saw different artworks done by them and one of them was a female, it was really impressive seeing a female there now I'm very proud of my gender.
Then it was time for my cousin and me to do our painting, they gave us images to pick so we could recreate the image, since I was picking first I ensured to pick the easiest one cause I wouldn't want to sleep there in the name of trying to recreate something. Trust me I did justice to my painting I know you won't believe me sha, so let me skip that part.
Meet the new painter and her paint
Then easter came and it was a public holiday so I had to make use of every moment, I had a great time during easter, I went to visit my aunty whom I hadn't seen for a long time, and we spent some quality time together gisting and laughing, glad I get to experience this moment every one of them means a lot to me and I don't regret having those moments and I hope someday I get to recreate all of these memories.
Thanks for reading🌹