Hello there photo lovers, I hope you are having a great day. This theme for this week is one of my favorite. Since we were kids we already love cloud watching, this is where most of our creativity were developed, imagining different object from different shapes of the clouds.
A photo of fluffy clouds from above.
This photo was taken during a plane ride, It was really amazing cruising above the clouds , this gives us a different view of the clouds, we were used to seeing them above but this time they are below.
Looking out the window is always one of the things I look forward when riding a plane, because why not who can resist to be amazed by this amazing clouds and it feels like you are just sitting on it since they are so close and it seems like they can just be touched.
And so that's it for my entry in this weeks theme, I know there's a lot of cloud photos out there, so I'm looking forward to see more amazing shapes and sizes of clouds.
So happy cloud hunting guys, you all have a good day.
See you again in the next round.
PS. Here is the link of the contest if you have one.