Hi my friends, wherever you are, who are always loyal and active with me here, I hope that we are all given ease in all matters, as well as health and can carry out activities smoothly.
Have you ever enjoyed the beauty of the dam in the morning, well friends, yesterday my friends and I enjoyed the beautiful view of the dam in the morning, which this dam looks very beautiful, because this dam is located at the foot of a mountain in a remote village, yesterday my friends and I agreed to enjoy the beautiful view of the dam in the morning, so that my friends and I could witness for ourselves how beautiful the view of the dam is in the morning.
Well friends today I will export all the photos of the dam view that I found yesterday with my friend, and I have captured its beauty but I want to entertain my friends with some photos of the view that I got yesterday at the dam.
I arrived at this dam at 09.00 am, because we left at dawn, after returning from the munasah for tadarus, we immediately left to enjoy the beautiful view at the dam which is located in a village, near the foot of the mountain.
First of all I will show you how beautiful the entrance to the dam is, which has trees on the side of the road, and one irrigation that flows into the villagers' rice fields.
this is what the entrance to the dam looks like.
Well friends, that's the road on the dam, passing this dam towards the Medan Banda Aceh highway can get there, although the road is a bit far but can reach the highway.
after I captured the beauty on the road, and took some photos that I show above, I also enjoyed the appearance of the dam, with very beautiful irons with my friends, then I parked my motorbike very neatly on the dam, so as not to be disturbed by people passing by.
this is what the dam looks like, which I enjoyed with my friends.
Friends, that's what it looked like when I stood on the dam where our motorbike was parked.
Behind our motorbike there was a building with a very beautiful decoration, and surrounded by chains, which was on the right side of where we were standing, I also really liked the very beautiful decoration, surely the person who made this building with a circled chain, was not just anyone, this was someone who had the expertise to make a very interesting building like this.
Well friends, try to pay attention to the beauty of the building with a very beautiful design.
After I captured the beauty of the building design, with the chain beside it, I immediately went around looking at the right side which includes the middle road to pass through this dam, I saw a very extraordinary beauty that emerged from a very beautiful cliff.
This is how beautiful the view is on the right side.
Okay guys, that's the beauty of a dam that I witnessed yesterday with my friend, and everything has been exposed here, this dam also has irrigation to channel water to the residents' rice fields, which are below where I am standing, next to the road that I showed above the entrance to this dam.
so that you can see more clearly, and witness it, I will show you the irrigation path that leads to the residents' rice fields.
this is what the irrigation looks like that flows water to the residents' rice fields.
in this life everyone certainly needs entertainment for themselves, and other people have different ways to entertain themselves, like what I felt yesterday I entertained myself by enjoying the beautiful scenery, I felt extraordinary calm in the dam, and made me really very entertained, and today I will show all the things that can entertain me yesterday, with the scenery that I enjoyed, hopefully friends can also be entertained by the presence of several photos of the dam scenery, which I have immortalized with my friends yesterday.
that's all I can tell you, about my journey enjoying the beautiful scenery of the dam in the morning, hopefully friends can be entertained watching its beauty.
All the dam scenery photos that I show above, I took using a camera...
Camera used | ponsel redmi note 7
| - | - |Traveling
F-stop | -
Iso speed | ISO
Focal length | MM
Photography | Landscape
Photographer | @suarlex