Financial Obligations To Others. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW

in MCGI Cares Hive21 days ago

The Bible teaches us to do good to others. That means that we will show concern towards the welfare of others. We must be financially responsible for our brethren. That is the doctrines of Jesus Christ, that we should be financially responsible for others. We should have a sense of responsibility concerning others. We should have obligation concerning others. We should not be self-centered. We should spread our helping hands towards our brethren.

One of the teachings of Jesus Christ to the church is that we should do good to all men. Doing good means that we will give helping hands to one another. To be helpful to one another, we must be willing to give what we have to help our brethren. Money is involved in making our brethren happy. We should be responsible in all aspects. Financially and otherwise, we should render helping hands to one another.

If we refuse to take responsibility over others financially, we might be those who only preach with our mouth but do not do what the Bible teaches us. The Bible teaches us to bear one another’s burden. To bear one another’s burden, we may need to take responsibility over them financially.


In love, let us help those in need financially