Hola a todos en este nuevo martes de Three Tune Tuesday, iniciativa convocada por el amigo @ablaze, que ya alcanza la edición número 196. Y pues, yo estaba desaparecida en acción de aquí, pues tenía casi 30 semanas ausente, pero he vuelto, y les he traído una banda británica, que ya alcanza los 63 años de trayectoria, ¡toda una vida! Y es la legendaria STATUS QUO.
Hello everyone on this new Three Tune Tuesday, an initiative convened by my friend @ablaze, which has already reached its 196th edition. And well, I was missing in action from here, since I had been away for almost 30 weeks, but I have returned, and I have brought you a British band, which has already reached 63 years of experience, a lifetime! And it is the legendary STATUS QUO.

Like a large part of the soundtrack of my life, many of the songs that make it up, I heard for the first time on the radio, either in my childhood or in my adolescence, and STATUS QUO is no exception, because I clearly remember them at the beginning of the 80s, when the radio that was in the kitchen of my mother's house, which was on almost all day, and obviously, at all times being at home, I was glued to the radio, listening to my programs. That's how I learned about this band's songs, which I still hear today, 40 years later. That being said, let's look at my #ttt songs today.

Ahora vamos con mis canciones / Now let's go with my songs
The first song I bring is perhaps the most famous of this band, and it is “Whatever You Want”, and I am sure that many people around the planet, at some point sang part of this song and danced to it as well. This song in particular makes me happy, especially because I remember one of my cousins singing and dancing to it in Mom's kitchen, which was very funny to me, it made me laugh. For me STATUS QUO sings rock and roll, although today, doing a little research on the band, I found out that the musical genre that predominates in their compositions, and that is present in the three songs that I share today, is boogie rock, which is a mix between blues, rock and boogie-woogie. Every day you learn something new. Here I share this wonder with you.

My next song is “Rockin All Over The World”, this song is super catchy, so in many moments of my life, I have surprised myself humming it, it is one of those songs that come to your head and stay there. I love it!. Here I leave the video. Enjoy it!

And to finish this, my first #ttt of the year 2025, I will share with you the wonderful “What You're Proposing”, it is also a very catchy song, and like many of the melodies of STATUS QUO, there is a perfect harmony between the guitars, the drums, the bass, and the voices, everything combines wonderfully, giving that distinctive, unique seal, which makes them still sound today. Here I share the video.

Este ha sido mi aporte para esta genial iniciativa del amigo @ablaze en su edición número 196, compartiendo con todos ustedes tres canciones de la legendaria banda británica STATUS QUO
This has been my contribution to this great initiative by my friend @ablaze in its 196th edition, sharing with all of you three songs by the legendary British band STATUS QUO

- Hoy he traído una sola fotografía, la cual ilustra la portada, y ésta se encuentra adecuadamente identificada // Today I have brought a single photograph, which illustrates the cover, and it is adequately identified.
- Los divisores son de libre uso y se pueden encontrar / Dividers are free to use and can be found:

Todo el contenido, (excepto los enlaces de YouTube, la foto de portada y los divisores), es de mi propiedad y está sujeto a derechos de autor // All content (except YouTube links, cover photo, and dividers), is my property and subject to copyrigh

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