Greetings to all the members of Ladies of Hive community. Here we have two questions to rethink and put to pracrise by @jane1289. To know more, please click this link
Sustainable Fashion: How do you dress stylishly and ethically without breaking your budget?
When we stick on to sustainable fashions, we can always get updated ourselves with the latest trend My collections of outfits or sandals are quite budget friendly, but sometimes I am forced to take one step ahead, when it comes to any celebration especially marriages. You cannot be the odd one out. But not too expensive. The same is being adapted by ny children, which Iam sincerely happy about.
I usually like to wear dresses that Iam comfortable with. Especially the colour, that goes with my skin. According to me, to be presentable, you need not wear the most expensive outfits but the one that gives you comfort with a pleasing look and fits yours body making yourself distinct from others. Along with this I am conscious, about the sandals I wear, the hair I dress and the last touch of make up. This would definitely make one an ideal stylish person, without a second glance.
Mindfulness: How do you achieve inner peace despite busy life and daily struggles?
Inner peace works only when we gain happiness by doing things of our choice. For this you need a me time to be included in our daily ystematic routine despite daily struggles.
My day starts with early morning prayers and a little exercise which is very soothing in the morning, ultimately resulting in an energetic day, improving my mental and physical health. And at bedtime I usually listen to music or read a book of my choice.
Very important is a 'me' time. Here, we have to forcibly give time for ourself engaging in activities of our choice. I wait to hear stories from my children, sorry no more child but adults, particularly any interesting happenings from their college and in workplace .
Often I lose my inner peace when Iam totally stressed out. So I probably try avoiding few things that disturbs me a lot.
Thankyou for your patience and visir. Photos were captured by me at regular intervals of time at different places.