Growing Deck.

in #club13 days ago


The Gold Standard for Chain Gaming

11 Epics in total.


Three music Legends. One duplicate.


Two transport one duplicate.


Four fan Legends.

That's the cream of the crop from the packs.

Taking a look at the common cards. We need a lot more of those. Mostly we have less than 50 in a few cases more. Blending of cards uses up 50 common cards. We should try get at least 50 of each in reserve maybe?

Those cards in reserve in case it becomes a card for blending. Would be available to member for boosting numbers if asked for. Until the time of blending obviously.

The majority of the cards held in the deck right now are from packs currently being opened.

A Nice collection of Epics also building up.

Card breaker.png

No Idea on what value we have returned to members as yet. But they have not yet complained. I have a made a channel in the server specifically for card requests from members. All members can see what cards others have requested and when. This transparency to members I think is a must.

We have provided each with one NFT of choice and each have received a card.

I have been thinking about memberships to the Club. I will never close it. If you get banned from the game. Yes you lose all benefits here instant too. No returns. Me ban you. No. That hurts the other members. All members play by the same rules though. Dismissal from the Club would be a membership choice and need to be based on abuse of some kind.

I am also thinking not to push the membership to hard at the early stages now. Seeing what I have to do. haha. I have built me a mountain to take down. Paddy and his pic axe ha. Well. I guess I will be the one to bring the mountain to whomever. A stone at a time. In this case, an NFT at a time.

It would be nice if we can build up to a point we can get someone to run a site for us. have some interaction points with the chain too.

Ask if you want me to expand on that.

Card breaker.png

How the club works.

Some measures are employed to ensure the club is fair to all members. We do not end with a wealthy player taking all of the cards at a reduced cost.

Starting at 10%. Working on method to increase this to 25% or 30%.

Players can only reserve cards they do not have.


700K of STARBITS each week for the purchase of packs.


Rare and Common cards are referred to as fodder cards. These are available to members at a reduced cost.
Members can reserve Luck cards to improve their skill rewards from lessons. Reservations of 1K in Luck is a maximum to ensure all members can gain additional Luck.
Epic cards can also be reserved. Reservation of Epic or other non fodder cards are reserved only if a member does not have that card.


Event Crafted cards will be supplied by "thehive".
Event Mission will be available if we can get to them.


Looking at the options of buying a record at 1 HBD each.
These records would then be made available to members at a reduced cost.

Legend Cards.
Legends, we have options on. Some will come from packs. Others we have the option to purchase and hold.

Enrolment and fee's.

50 HBD. Only applies to the first year.
Yearly fee. 5 HBD. (Not applied to enrolment year).

Enrolment and yearly fee's are set at when membership begins. You keep the yearly fee you start with.

These costs will increase year on year for new members. The yearly fee will grow each year. While members retain their original fee at time of taking membership.

Card Club.png


Card images provided by "Risingstargame".
Art work provided by @thehive using 3d Paint and Opera AI.

Rising Star.
The Game.

Twitch Stream.


Thank u very much for the card!

It just seemed the right thing to do for the first few members.
Give me a month, I am confident after that. You will think to yourself, You made a good choice to join.