Making friends is a very beautiful art or act and one thing I’m sure of is that there is no one who does not have at least, one friend. We can’t live in this world alone or do things all by ourselves and that’s why God has blessed us for having each other so we can always be there for each other.
I’ve met people who are always lonely and don’t like to roll with others but no matter how poor things may be, they’d still have at least one friend who they can always talk to even though they may not be very close. There are a few questions I’ve got to answer about friends and I want you all to know my take on this.
Am I one of those who find it easy to make friends?
To an extent, I think I usually find it easy to be friends with other people. I’m very jovial and humble to an extent so when I see anyone or even peoples I’m better than, I roll and flow with them. We don’t necessarily need to have a long talk but with the little time that we may use in the venue, it’s possible for us to be friends.
Also, I’m not one of those who are very much choosy about friends since the person would not be my close friend. I can be friends with anyone no matter where we met.
How do I go about it?
Firstly, I love to go out a lot most especially to places where I know I can have fun. That way, it is possible for me to meet over twenty people within the short time that I’d spend there and we may exchange numbers. We may not talk much after that day but if there is something that warrants us to talk, we’d do so.
Also, if I’m talking about the kind of places I go to, it may be club, beach, fests and so much more. If I see someone that we vibe together, I’m surely going to be friends with the person be it man or woman and we may even hang out after that day.
Do I prefer having many friends to having a few ones?
Well, this answer is in two ways and I’d give my explanation.
Firstly, I prefer to have so many friends and that’s because there are times when I’d want people to come to my occasion, help me follow my business page and so much more. Things like this are important and we’d need people so why not have some particular friends for those things. We may even go out together and have fun.
Secondly, I prefer to have a few friends when it comes to the ones who will be close to me. I love my space a lot and I so much dislike disturbance so having just one of two serious friends is enough for me. I’m a private person even though I tend to go out a lot so I always make sure that I set the gap between normal friends and the close ones whom we all can face the realities of life together.
Right now, I’ve got just one close friend and I’m cool with it. We don’t get to talk all the time but whenever we do, it is always fantastic!