Thank you to the following Hiver accounts that have traded Project ePayTraffic Sovereign Wealth Fund tokens.
@logen9f @willendorfia @treasure.hoard @knightmarey @edgerik @nastyforce @pept @fjworld @pept-earn @veridipass @toofuckeh @rb3coins @pepentropy
Today the focus is on the Foundation Investor element of #SWF
From the image below, you can see that @fjworld has contributed 500 Hives and all have been powered up.
We start with 500HP that will earn interest and power additional earnings from various account activities.
All delegations are welcomed. So if you have some HP to contribute to our Sovereign Wealth Fund, it will be used wisely to grow wealth which will be reflected in the token trading price.
The snippet below is the current market listing.
The highlighted part is the remaining tokens from tranche #6
Tokens are released to the open market via tranches as indicated in the above image. Once a tranche is sold the next one is listed near the next hour after the complete sale of the previous tranche. #PeakD #Snap is used for public notification and transparency.
The @pepEntropy Qualitative Investment Strategy account will provide a market maker service. In a future blog, more detail will be provided on the market maker service and associated compensation.
We are just getting started so know that you are presented with a ground breaking opportunity designed to support digital wealth creation in our Hive community. PEPT Founder, @fjworld is committed and very disciplined when it comes to executing strategies. Going forward there will be knowledge transfer to interested Hivers that can perform various roles within a PEPT ecosystem and economy. FJ plans for the future and that includes addressing what happens when he transforms to a different energy state.
Thank You everyone for all the support. When you upvote and share what is presented to you it has a net gain for PEPT Sovereign Wealth Fund. You do not have to be a token holder to show support.
Several ideas are in the works to grow our SWF value. No rush and no big promises. Just deliverables that you can measure with lots of transparency to avoid unwanted negative energy.
All comments and questions welcomed.
May Positive pepEntropy be with you.