Brodie's Story, The Unfinished Project.

in #risingstar9 days ago

Good morning to all my friends, today is Tuesday. Well, on this day, I have a new story for you. In this particular case, I've dedicated it to card 42 Brodie. As you'll see in the story, he goes through many difficulties in his life, but he doesn't let that stop him; he has a job to finish, that's what motivates him. If you're ready, let's begin! Don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comments.


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Our friend Brodie has never had an easy life. From an early age he knew what it was like to work hard and earn almost nothing. He grew up on a small farm in South Australia. Every day was a different and harder struggle than the last, it was as if the stars had agreed to punish him for the simple fact of being born, although of course the reality is that that was the life he was given, there was nothing divine about it. As you would expect in this harsh field work environment there was not much room for luxuries. Just think, there was no electricity on the farm, it was a very isolated place, so the power lines could not reach. But hey, at least from time to time they could turn on the generator they had.

And that was only for a while because they had to save fuel to use in the tractor. And since they had a limited budget they could not buy much, only what was necessary. In a way Brodie and his family only had what was necessary to survive. Luckily for him he always had the help of his father. It is true that they had to work and endure difficulties, but since the burden was carried by everyone, they were able to endure and move forward.

His father was actually the breadwinner of the house. Without him the farm could go under. He was very hard-working, but also very stubborn, you know what farmers are like. He had a great love for his family and his land, even though he barely gave them enough. You know Brodie admired him a lot and that's why he always tried hard to be a good son and helped him in everything he could. They both had a very, very close relationship. It's a shame that his father didn't live long enough to see his son become who he is today. Unfortunately he died of cancer that developed in his throat. His loss was very hard. Brodie and his mother were left alone with all the responsibility of the farm.

Remember that this is their only means of support so it is very important that it doesn't go bankrupt or you could end up on the street, and that would be terrible. Not long after his father died, he had to take charge of everything on the farm. He sowed the land, harvested and sold the products. With what he earned he repaired things on the farm and bought things that could not be produced on the farm. These were very hard times to adapt to. But his father taught him to be strong and not to be easily defeated. Little by little he was able to get the farm going. Of course they did not get rich or anything like that, but at least it was getting a little better. The most important purchase they made some time later was the purchase of solar panels.

With these they could now light up the whole house. His mother was very happy because for the first time they had electricity every night. To buy the panels they had to spend a lot of money but it was worth it. But there was something that had not yet been completed and that Brodie had been thinking about fixing for a long time. Before his father died he had an old truck that he had inherited from his father, that is, from Brodie's grandfather. This truck had a lot of sentimental value for him because it was with this that they had started this farm. Then Brodie's grandfather died and Brodie's father inherited it.

What happened was that, as it was not used for so many years, it broke down and rusted. Brodie's father had the goal of fixing it, but unfortunately due to the economic situation, medical expenses and illness, he was unable to complete its restoration. He died without seeing this goal fulfilled. So Brodie has always felt that it would be a nice tribute to his father's memory to complete the restoration of the truck. But this is easy to say, but the reality is that it is very difficult to do. Although he is not sick like his father, he does have the same economic problems, so completing the work will take time and a lot of money. But it was a goal that had to be met, so even if it was a long-term goal, he had to do it.

At first he sold off large parts of his crops and left less for household consumption. It wasn't easy but he had to do it, it was the only way to make more money. His mother told him it didn't matter that she was willing to go through a little hardship in order to complete this and honor her husband's memory. Even with all this, the money wasn't enough for a complete restoration so he was forced to do work outside his farm. With the tractor he went and looked for work on other local farms and plowed their land. This was extra income that came in handy.

But what else could he do? He found the answer to this question when one day he saw local farmers paying to take their goods to the village. That was where he saw a business opportunity. The tractor they had on the farm had a cart, so he could use it to take the other farmers' goods to sell in the village. It was an idea that worked very well.

After several months of waiting and a lot of work, he finally gathered enough money. He towed the truck to a garage in the city. There they practically made it new. It was great to see it rolling again. It is true that to get here he had to make many sacrifices but they were completely worth it, now he could honor his father's memory. Today he often rides around the farm with his mother and soon he will be with his family and children. It is true that they were not millionaires and they did not have money for luxuries, but they had enough to be happy.

Dear friends, this is the end of today's story. I hope, as always, that you liked it and found it interesting in some way. Thank you very much for reading, see you in the next story in a few days. Best regards to all, I love you all.

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