Hello, everyone.
I welcome you to my blog. The evolution of technology is one of the major reasons why our social lives keep deteriorating. Instead of going out to see a friend, we either call them on the phone or do a video call with them. Our devices won't let us leave the house as often as we used to. These days, you will hear people say that as long as I have data and my phone is fully charged, I don't have a problem, and that's true.
I fall into the category of those who are not really addicted but, truth be told, cannot go even an hour without their phone. Sometimes, when there is a complete power outage and my phone goes off, I feel like a part of me is missing or even worse. More like a connection between my phone and me, my friends will say that if they were to be a phone, they would never pray to fall into the hands of users like me. I am always on my phone, and for that reason, I prefer soft copies of my school material.
Since I always have my phone in my hand, a soft copy can be read anywhere and at anytime, compared to hard copies, which I only read when I am at home or when I manage to carry them around. My phone plays different roles in my life; since I spend most of my time indoors, it is now my companion. For as long as I have my phone with me, I am never bored and can go days without even stepping foot outside my room.
I know I am not the only one who, first of all, reaches out for their phones the moment they wake up. Check what we have missed out on. Sometimes we even go through our phones and do some catch-up on what we have missed while we were away before even saying our morning prayer. Our phones have become a part of our daily lives and have replaced a lot of things we used to do. Now we no longer do them; instead, we spend time on our phones.
I am sorry to disappoint you if you thought I was going to choose food over my phone. I am definitely going a day without food. I have done it on several occasions. As long as I have my phone and am very busy, I don't bother myself about food. My friends in school always say that Saturday is starvation day 😂 for me. Since we are not forced to go anywhere, from the moment we wakeup, we will be on our phones and won't even bother about food.
So going a day without food is an easy thing for me to do compared to going a day without my phone; a day without my phone is something I might not survive. I might lose my mind 😂.
Thanks for reading my post.