Hello Hive Gaming Community. I have been following up on some games here and I decided to try this dead target and trust me I have no regret trying this game. My experience with this game was so fantastic that I did not want to leave the game. I have played two training rounds before this.
One major thing I love about the game is that the game is constructed like a movie. Every level we get to relates to the previous levels and there is always a goal aimed for each level. I am used to playing Warzone games but I have never played a zombie game like this, except Dead Target. The difference between this game and the dead target is that the dead target does not have motion movements, on the dead target we have to shoot the zombies from a certain fixed place but this game has Motion and movements where we can shoot from any angle and different place.
I am still looking forward to unlocking several guns and different types of equipment, I noticed there were several Guns and equipment to be unlocked but today will be my first day in the game, so I am still trying to wander my way around the game. I also saw different characters that are yet to be unlocked in the game, and I look forward to unlocking these characters in the game.
This game is all about Survival and how to escape the Den of Zombies either by killing them or running away from the zombies, which depends on what you are programmed to do at that particular moment
One major thing I dislike about this game is the fact that we can't share this game with any one of our friends to enter and play with us. It's not a competitive game, we have to play the game ourselves and make sure everyone in the game is perfect. I would love it if these features could be added to the game, whereby two or three people can enter the game to play
This Level kind of looked easy to me because I play battle and warzone games. But looking at this game, I think I enjoyed playing this game, The graphics were standard, the zombies were also looking real and not fake, and every level had a mission.
I love Playing Games because it relieves me of boredom or depressed thoughts. The situation of the country and everything around me might be looking bad but when I engage in this game, I am often motivated and ease my mind with several unnecessary thoughts about things around me that affect me.
I will recommend this game to anyone who loves killing and violence or wants to explore the world of game vibes. I know not everyone loves violent games, some prefer Puzzles, Chess, football, or other games over fight or warzone battle games. Trust me, you will love this game the same way I loved this game. Kudos!! To all the gamers here, you guys brought to my awareness about this game. I look forward to sharing more lovely content and videos on this game here.
Thank you for reading My Post
All screenshot Owned by Me and taken when On Game
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