What Makes A True Disciple Of Jesus Christ. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

in MCGI Cares Hive17 days ago

What Makes A True Disciple Of Jesus Christ. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

Obedience is the factor. Obedience is the key factor to become a true disciple. Obedience is what makes a real disciple. Obedience is the key thing in the act of discipleship. Obedience is the main ingredient in being a true disciple.

How am I obedient to the commandments of God? How am I living in conformity to the principles of God? How am I in agreement to the doctrines of God? How am I proving myself to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ? It is only my obedience to the commandments of God that will prove if I am his real disciple or not.

As a disciple of Jesus Christ, I will have to live holy and run away from every sin. I would have to keep myself unspotted from the world. I would have to make the Bible my best friend. As a disciple I will have to be a true ambassador of God. I would have to represent the kingdom of God well.

I don't have to discriminate between the commandments of God. Everyone of God’s commandments must be obeyed by me. When I submit myself to obeying the commandments of God this way, I will be a true disciple of Jesus Christ.