Hive open mic week#229, For this week's theme, I'll be doing a song by Ed Sheeran, "Photograph." I do hope you like my cover of this song.
The mind tends to forget easily, so having a photograph to look at helps us to remember things that happened in the past. There are some places we've visited and activities we did with our loved ones that we've forgotten about, but seeing a photograph from that day would send all the memories running back to you.
I lost my mom some years ago, and honestly, I haven't forgotten about her, but I'm human, so not every day is the same. I have her picture on my phone, so whenever I'm down or just when I randomly see a picture of her smiling, it brings back a lot of good memories, and it makes me smile. On most days, just looking at her face comforts me a lot and brings back all the memories of all that happened that day. That's the power of a photograph.
I chose this song because of how it relates to this week's theme so well; it's like it was made for this week, hehe.
I hope you like my cover of this song.
We keep this love in a photograph
We made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Hearts are never broken
Times forever frozen still
Lyrics isn't mine
The cover image was edited by me using Canva
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