Opening the week with controversy? 😄
Like you, I used to think ALL hunting was terrible, when you can just go to the store and just get it nicely packaged. My mind changed when I began to listen to some of the people that hunt and make some good points. Of course, if one is opposed to any killing whatsoever, there is no amount of facts and opinions that can sway you.
One particular well spoken hunter-conservationist is Steven Rinella who has a show on hunting and actually shows it. At first, I reacted with revulsion and horror, but once you start listening to his explanation, then you begin to appreciate hunting a little more. There are many angles to this issue, and once you explore it in depth, then you begin to understand the nuance of this topic. A hunter gets up close and personal with the source of the meat. Closer to the spirit of the animal, a native American might say. You get to know it more intimately, and it's not just an impersonal package from the supermarket, where we are divorced from the reality of that animal as a living being, and the process that ends that life.
There is also a strong relationship between hunting and conservation of the environment, at least in North America. There are good and bad practices in hunting, Steven highlights those good and bad practices in his work. I recommend perusing Steven's Meat Eater podcast if you're interested in environmental conservation from a hunter's perspective.