Oh please! I grew up in a community where every self-respecting farmer had several deer heads mounted. I know all the rationalizations. Your explanation of the 'joy' of hunting reminds me of what a serial killer might say. You have to get up close and appreciate that you are taking a life.
Native hunters truly did hunt for meat. They had to. They didn't make sport of it. They weren't bored. It was life for them, life they shared with the animals they killed.
To get pleasure out of killing, out of seeing something expire...that is a distortion of compassion. It must always cost us to kill. Killing even on a micro level makes killing acceptable.
I've no desire to listen to your hunter. I've heard it all.
Healthcare workers (the good ones) burn out because of the suffering they witness. When you are able to watch suffering, and you don't suffer, you have crossed a threshold that brings you further from compassion.