Teachers: Unsung Heroes Of Society

in Hive Learners4 months ago

During my days in elementary school, I learnt that a child’s first and greatest teachers are the parents, particularly the mother. This is because when a child steps into the world, they are under the care of their mother and father. As they mature, some of the responsibilities are delegated to other people, including friends, siblings, and most importantly, teachers. The importance of teachers in the lives of students cannot be overemphasized. They are a solid definition of the phrase “not all heroes wear capes.” Indeed, teachers don’t wear capes, but they are superheroes in the educational field, molding students to become better versions of themselves, by equipping them to become leaders of tomorrow.

When I saw this topic, my mind immediately reverted to @vickoly. I wouldn’t say I have met so many people on Hive, but he’s the only teacher I know and one thing about him is that he takes his job seriously. Love is a very strong word, but it is the right word to use in this context. It is evident that he loves his job, given how passionately he talks about it every time and genuinely cares about his students. It is disheartening that teachers are not well treated in my country. If both ends of the rope were equal, teachers would be one of the highest paid professions. Sadly, the reverse is the case. A few years ago, I worked as a teacher in an elementary school, so I understand how demanding the profession is.

Now, when it comes to teachers and the role they play in molding students, a big question pops up: If a student were to perform poorly in school, would it be the fault of the teacher? This topic is similar to one we did about two weeks ago; is it the fault of the parents if their children turn out to be rascals despite their teachings? Simply put, are parents responsible if their children turn out to be troublesome despite their guidance?

Well, I’ll start by acknowledging that it is the duty of the teachers to make sure all students perform excellently. I love it when teachers take their jobs to heart and make students perform excellently. I love it when they try to take all students along and leave no one behind. However, despite this, some students will still turn out to be rascals who take their studies with levity. I wouldn't say some students are destined for poor performance. Rather, I'll put it this way: despite teachers’ efforts, some students turn deaf ears and remain stubborn and at the end of the day, they perform poorly.

At one point in our lives, we were all students so we can definitely relate to this. Every class has an unserious student or a group of unserious ones (as the case may be) who always take teachings with levity. Growing up, I was a diligent student. I valued and enjoyed getting good grades, so I did everything to achieve my goals as a student. However, in the same class, there were students who were stark contrasts to me. Instead of coming to school, they go outside and have fun. I often wondered if their parents never cared to check their results.

Summarily, it is the responsibility of teachers to guide their students to perform excellently and become the best versions of themselves, but sometimes, students make their own choices and go beyond the teacher’s control.

Thanks for reading.


What an interesting blog, this made me remember my days in elementary school were some of my classmates will stay out of school for days and returned at the end of a term they will perform poorly, and their parents will come to my school we blame the teacher for their children poor performance, so when this continues, my school started taking attendance serious then the next term when such thing repeated the school management brought out the attendance record and all the parents were shock and started leaving waiting for their children to return home.

This is an amazing blog, I must commend it.

Hey there, Mayor. Looking back, I remember similar incidents during my high school days. Parents would often storm in,looking all angry angry, to confront the school authorities about their children's poor performance. Did they ever bother to ask if their kids were taking their studies seriously

Exactly that's one thing they don't pay concern to, but it's so unfortunate.

Thank you.

The pay of teachers is something that always baffles me. It makes no sense.

It's nice that you're considering the responsiblity associated with student performance as both teachers' and students'. Even better that you mention parents. A lot of people tend to leave them out when discussing student performance, even though they're one of the most important stakeholders in education.

I'm glad we agree that parents are very important in education. They help their kids learn and grow by showing love, support, and guidance. When parents are involved, their kids do wayyy better in school

You've spoken well sir, although teachers has a huge role to play, we can't push aside the effort of the parents in checking up on their wards and as well monitoring their progress.

Students themselves must play a huge role too, in showing seriousness towards their students and taking heed to correction and guidance.

That's so nice of you to talk about me and my profession in good spirits.

Much appreciated sir.

Hello there, sir Vick. Of course, we parents play a huge role in education. Their presence cannot be overlooked.

You're welcome, sir.

Thank you.