Hey peeps..
Doing good?
Well my exams are over and now i am on my vacations.I really liked this phase as i have nothing to do. I can do whatever i want and i am spending this time on netflix but soon i am going to read some books.
Today after waking up i feel so refreshed as i sleep early yesterday night. And in joy of vactions i want to treat myself in breakfast with good food. I was really craving to have an fied egg in the breakfast.So, i decided to treat myslef with healthy food. I made up my mind to have bread with full fried egg in the breakfast.Once in a month i put my lazy face aside and cook a meal for myself so today morning was that “once in a month”.
Lets discuss this two ingredient process.😁
• Egg
• Bread
• Cooking oil

At first i took some breads out of the packet and turn on the stove so that it catches some temperature before i placed the bread on it.

Then i have to toast bread slices with butter.For this i used some sort of tongs to apply butter on the butter and then to place them on the pan.

After applying appropriate amount of butter i put the slice onto the pan with the help of tongs and put it on low flame so that i doesn’t burn.

After cooking one side i change the side of the slice.When it gets light brown i removed the slice from the pan and placed it on the plate.
I repeat the same process for other two slices.

After toasting them all ,i placed them into a plate.

As i am done with bread slices i move forward towards the egg.Firstly i put little amount of cooking oil into the pan as i have to fry the egg in it.I increase the flame so that oil gets warm.

After oil gets warm i took the egg and broke it from the center.

And after this i took out the egg into the pan. The way it get spilled out in the pan i gave me the vibes of chef.

It began to change its colour after sometime as it started frying.

I moved the egg from the edges with a spoon so it wouldn't stick.

Then i break the yolk of egg as i like it fully cooked.

After turning its side and cooking it for more minutes it turned out to be like this.

I turned off the stove and removed the egg into plate with its mate that is bread. Then i sprinkle little amount of salt and pepper on the egg as it helps in digestion.
Ta-da..!! That is the final look of my two-ingredient meal.

I really enjoyed it but i can only eat it once or two in a month because of my stomach issue.And that is why it is special meal for me.
Ok buddies , see you soon.
Take care..!!