We have finally managed to surpass the milestone of 20,000 personal ALIVE! This figure, which we had been aiming for quite some time, has finally been reached, and it’s an important achievement for us. The journey wasn’t easy—it was long and filled with challenges and constant effort. But thanks to our perseverance and the dedication of the entire team, we have finally made it.
Reaching this milestone is a significant accomplishment, but it’s by no means our final destination. This is just the beginning of our ascent. We still have many goals to achieve and peaks to conquer. We will continue moving forward, aiming even higher, and pushing our limits with the same determination that has brought us success so far.
We want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported us on this journey. Together, we will go even further and reach greater heights. This is just the first step toward new victories!
Atteindre ce cap marque une grande réussite, mais il ne s’agit en aucun cas de notre destination finale. Ce n'est que le début de notre ascension, et nous avons encore de nombreux objectifs à accomplir et des sommets à gravir. Nous continuerons à avancer, à viser toujours plus haut, et à repousser nos limites, avec la même détermination qui nous a permis de réussir jusqu’à maintenant.
Nous voulons profiter de cette occasion pour remercier tous ceux qui nous ont soutenus dans cette aventure. Ensemble, nous allons encore plus loin et plus haut. Ce n'est qu'un premier pas vers de nouvelles victoires !