Fulfilling My Service To Humanity.

in Hive Learnerslast year (edited)

There was this particular Yoruba cultural song I loved as a kid, at first I didn't know the meaning then but the tone always made me just love it. When I started understanding Yoruba, I realised that it's a very important message for the world.

It says, "Whoever you are capable of helping is your brethren or sistren, take care of him or her."

Thumbnail was designed on Canva

I have said many times that the world would have been a better place if the human race embraced selflessness and the absence of it is why we are where we are today. The idea of humans helping one another didn't begin today, it started in the creation story because even God knew the importance of it.

After God created Adam, he saw the need to create an help meet because he knew that Adam couldn't live all by himself. I am sure a lot of us are familiar with this story but let's not look at things from the relationship angle because there are people who can't help a fellow human except they are in a relationship with them.

God still went on to make a commandment which says, "Love your neighbour as yourself." To today, this commandment is still ranked as the greatest of all commandments.

This commandment is as simple as saying that if you can't starve yourself, don't ignore your neighbour who is starving.

"Helping a fellow human isn't a task or obligation, I see it as my service to humanity"

This is one topic I enjoy writing about a lot because I wouldn't have been here without the help I received from people throughout my journey in life. Growing up was pretty rough but people came through for me even when I never expected and every good thing they did for me left a mark in my life.

As a teenager, there was a time when I didn't have shelter over my head and someone took me in. The family sheltered me and even took care of my feeding, they never made me feel like I wasn't part of the family.

During my days in the polytechnic, I survived with the help of people. I remember that semester I was about to give up because I couldn't afford the school fees and I almost regretted trying to get an education at all cost. I was hopeless but a few students took it up and ensured that I wouldn't stop halfway. Many of them mentioned to me that I reaped what I sowed but the truth is that many people have sowed good things but the benefactors never saw any reason to help them.

I don't know if I should say that I am lucky to have met people who understand the importance of helping others but one thing is certain, every help I received in life has strengthened my desire to always help people when I have the power to do so. Helping doesn't have to be giving money, there are lots of ways we can come through for people.

There is a lot in it for me whenever I help people and the joy that fills my heart after doing the tiniest of help is huge.

Although, it's the season of love and happiness. A time we are expected to put smiles on people's faces but I don't wait until this time of the year before I perform my services to humanity.

Three weeks ago, my brother told me about his friend who needed accommodation for at least a month. The guy is someone I know and thinking about my teenage days couldn't make me turn a blind eye to his issue and we have been together since then.

Whether it's Christmas or not, it doesn't matter to me. As long as I am in a position to help anyone, I don't hesitate to do so regardless of the tribe or gender. I do my thing without expecting anything in return because I believe that the good I have done for A will definitely inspire A to be helpful to B, that's the only way we can create a better world.


Yay! 🤗
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Thanks @caleb-marvel, you are awesome bro.

If only we all looked at things from this perspective, then there would be no need to stress on this topic at all.

I know some cringe at the word help or service to humanity cos of past experiences in the hands of some callous humans but I still feel that we should not use the same card stick for everyone. People come into our lives for different purposes. Some for a season others for life long commitment. Be discerning enough to understand people but still help them however you can.

Also rendering an assistance should not be done with the mindset of collecting favours. It should be selfless.

Compliments George, thanks for inspiring us once again

Thanks Becky and you are right. Paying evil with evil wouldn't take us anywhere and shutting the door on everyone would make us miss out on those who really need help.

I hope everyone can just play their parts, the world would be better than it is.

Yes it would

No man is an Island they say. The truth is that we can not do without one another. I love the analogy you gave when God created the world. If you check very well, one thing that is holding the world back is lack of help, lack of generosity, if only we could help each other then the world will be far better than where it is. And again, I believe that, help should be genuine, from the heart, most people help because they are also expecting something in return. No! It shouldn't be so.

Iska, you are very well on point. All fingers aren't equal and it's not bad for someone to need help. Seeking help doesn't mean people's lives are miserable so it's important we always help when we have the ability to do so

If only everyone could see the good side of helping others life would have been easier for some people in this life, life is not funny to others and that is why we should help to make them feel alive again.

I love helping as well even though is it not a must but helping people around me make me happy which I don't know why maybe because I was raised to love people around me.

People know the truth about giving but they aren't just ready to do it because they don't want to see their fellow human to be happy like them.

Giving is a good habit, something every human must emulate to have a beautiful future.

Very true dear one, we can make the world a better place for ourselves of only we embrace giving and selflessness as a normal way of life in our world today. God who is the master giver and helper as even showed us how to give and how to help which means there's a great importance to that...
Nice piece, I'm blessed

God emphasized on human helping one another but it's the other way around amongst us. People want to be seen as superior and care less about others.

Helping people is good especially at this festive season. I help and encourage people to do so because we all need to do it cheerfully because is a privilege to help the poor.

Yes, it's a very good habit to help people whether it's Christmas or not. Spreading love shouldn't be a seasonal thing, thanks for the visit sis.

Most people find it hard to accommodate people into their homes so when I see people that do it, I'm really happy for them because it's actually not easy.

Keep up the good work and God who knows what you are doing will bless you immeasurably 🥰

Accomodating people can come with great implications sometimes but it's not a bad thing to do when we know that people in need of shelter

I am glad that I could help, I know what it feels like so looking away is just impossible for me.

Indeed there are implications and that's why so many people shy away from it.

It's definitely a great opportunity that only few ceases.