When a community is open to suggestions & advice from its members, it is a sign that such a community is destined for greatness. It doesn't end with just a community, the same thing applies to us as an individual. We as humans can't know it all, there are lots of things we don't know and being open to suggestions & advice is what will make us realize some success tips that we are ignorant about.
This doesn't mean that we will always take every advice or suggestion given to us, we must analyze them and check the ones that will help us improve/achieve success.
I am not surprised that the Hive Learner's moderators came up with this prompt for the last celebration post because they have always carried their members along with every development in the community. I always feel part of the community activities not just because I participate in the prompt but because I get to vote on these topics every Saturday, it's not like the moderators just throw the prompts at us for us to develop.
The Featured Edition Contest has been helpful to members of the Hive community because many times, we run out of topics or ideas for posts and yet, we don't struggle to write because the HL Featured Edition Contest would always have something for us. These contest helps us to stay consistent, keep up with engagement and even make us think outside the box.
Hive Learner's Community is doing great and I believe reaching 200 weeks of featured edition contest wouldn't be an issue even with the community's present operation but there are a few things I think the community can adopt to help improve more on the featured edition contest.
Exploring More Writing Genres.
Over the weeks of participating in the Hive Learner's Featured Edition Contest, we have explored different writing genres such as Narrative Writing, Personal Growth, Self Reflection, Nonfiction and a few others but there are more we can explore in the next 100 weeks.
Many times, I feel like people don't know what they are capable of until they try things out and the same thing applies to many of us in the HL community.
I remember the other time we wrote a fiction story in the community, a lot of people who thought they wouldn't participate ended up writing beautiful stories and I really enjoyed engaging with other members' posts. The community is about growth/development and stretching ourselves while exploring other genres of writing wouldn't be a bad idea.
Achieving growth most times doesn't happen while we sit in our comfort zone, it requires us to step out and exploring other genres of writing could be the way forward for many of us.
I know it might be challenging from the onset because some of these genres aren't what many of us are used to but it would definitely help us to grow when we keep doing it. Many of us had common goals with Hive this year which is growing our writing skills and I believe that Hive Learner's Community can make this happen for their members.
Introducing The Hive Learner's Library.
This idea crossed my mind some time ago but I felt, it didn't really matter. Whether it is or not, I will let the community decide.
Every week, there are always top posts in the community selected by the moderators. I don't know the criteria they use for these selected posts but I think these posts are worth keeping for reference and they can serve as a guide for newbies.
These posts can be put in a virtual library somewhere in the community discord channel where other members can visit to learn one or two things. In addition, these posts can get more publicity by sharing them on other Hive Learner's accounts on different platforms.
It would mean that aside from the community being a place to find quality content, members would be inspired to always give their best as an entry to every Featured Edition Contest.
I believe the next 100 weeks of the Featured Edition Contest will be a success as well, the moderators and members are fully prepared to make this a success.