This is my entry for the week 105 edition 1 which focuses on what happened yesterday. Immediately I saw this, I was very happy because this is timely. A remarkable event occured yesterday. Few days ago was marked as women's international day which was celebrated everywhere. In my church setting the Sunday after the international women's day is normally marked as mothering Sunday.
My yesterday was totally dedicated to women in the globe. Right from my sleep till the day broke was circumvent around the mothering Sunday more so I am a helper to the church. I woke up earlier than the usual time so that I could meet up with the preparation and service time. I got my family members involved on time. At least we were able to report to church on a good time. I then helped to set up the church as we await the arrival of other notable women though some came late but had to patiently wait for them before we started the service. I was excited because the children were already seated waiting for their mothers to come over. I couldn't hold the joy in my heart but expressed it to everyone available.
Mothering Sunday is a Sunday carved out for the women and also the potential women. It's characterized by so many activities. This day always remained remarkable in the church. In fact, I have never seen occasions in church setting where women devote their time and life in practice, rehearsal and preparing for an event like mothering Sunday. In some parts of the church, an organizing committee is set up to do an elaborate work concerning the day. What worth celebrating, it worth celebrating well.
Prior to the day, some of the outstanding chain of activities done include visitation. The women went out to check on those who have been hospitalized due to all kinds of illness. They didn't go empty hand instead went with some relief materials to show love to the patient and also as a way of commemorating the day in a grand style. I want to acknowledge the active participation of all the women to ensure the reality of this task. The general hospital which is also the biggest hospital in the town. The recipient of this gesture were all amazed and the doctors shared their uncontrolled and unreserved appreciation to the women. They prayed for a wonderful mothering Sunday celebration.
Yesterday was mothering Sunday and the entire church activity was carried out by the women. The conductor of the service was very active and carried the congregation along. The lesson reading from the Bible was done by the women and they also sang special songs to spice the day. Later the guest preacher was ushered and the word of God was properly dished out. She spoke on the significant of every believer to a salt of the world. She paid more attention on the women. Every home is good if the woman is good. Since women are the determining factor of a godly home, they should be very careful and conduct themselves as examples that others might see.
After the service, a delicious meal was served to add up to the celebration galore. It was hot well cooked jellof rice ooo I hope you're not salivating there....hahahaha I finished the first plate and had to demand for another oooo you why? It was sumptuous such that I couldn't resist it. A chilled water was accompanied with the food in order to push it for fast digestion then later they brought a local juice commonly known as zobo. My kids couldn't allow me have taste of what a day.
Later in the day we went back to the headquarters church to join other women in the celebration where a novelty football match was organized. The women scored three against the men who managed to score one. It was fun to see women that have never been to football pitch before playing with ball. Few women sustained injuries hmmm that's part of the game anyway. We all had good timeout as we commemorate the mothering Sunday.
What was achieved are remarkable actually and I hope to enforce more energy in achieving more tomorrow for uncommon results.
all pictures were snapped with my phone.
Thanks for reading.