in Hive Learners10 months ago

Hello my fellow hivers, I wish everyone productive week ahead!

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Facing my fears was one of the hardest things I had to do after after encountering a serious trying time, getting involved in an accident and also recovering isn’t just the only thing a patient has to go through but also facing your fears is also very important as well as healing from the injuries, because our fears actually kills faster.
The first time I got into a car after I was been discharged from the hospital was actually hell for me because I literally thought that any car that overtook us was going to hit us, as a matter of fact I closed my eyes throughout the entire time till we got home, I always have this shock and fear that we were going to have another accident, each time a car came close to ours I had this panic attack, and I would just hold the next person close to my side tightly. It was so scary for me because whenever I closed my eyes I just get a flash of the accident scene, normally I have always seen fuel tankers as hired killers, lol, so the very fateful day that tanker hit the bike I was on and crushed my leg, that was the day I totally confirmed my accusations.

So since then I stopped entering bike and I get scared of going out all by myself, because I would think of how to cross the roads, Infact I wanted to avoid any moving thing on the road, but then that’s totally impossible, so I started off with going out with cab, even if the place wasn’t really far, I didn’t care o because I did not want to have anything to do with bikes or even tricycle, I would order for a bolt cab and pay times 5 to places that wasn’t even supposed to cost more than 200 naira with bike.

But one day I said to myself that people die on plane crashes but everyday people still board planes, people die everyday from accidents with cars and bike but then people still go out with them, why do I keep wasting money when I actually face my fears? I asked myself silently.

So one day I went to my sister-in law’s shop with a cab in the morning and we stayed there till evening, I tried to order a ride but none was available at the moment, so I said to my self “it’s high time you start facing your fears”, then I told her that we should go on a bike, she initially refused but then time was going too, so she agreed, we entered the bike and I was seated at the back funny enough, it was going smoothly until one tanker got close to us, I held my sister-in-law from behind very tightly and was quietly shouting “Jesus”, she held my hand was just telling me to be calm that nothing was going to happen, and truly nothing happened, we got home safe and well, ever since then I go out on my own, use a bike when it’s needed but although I still get the thoughts but I try my best to always push my fears aside and live my life.



Congratulations for the survival, sister. I understand your fear. It's not easy to experience an accident. The memory lingers for a long time. I am glad that you have come over it. May you never encounter such
a bitter experience again.

Amenn, thanks for prayer and also engaging 😊

You are welcome.