For me, having a coffee outside the house has a very special meaning, meeting with people I appreciate to talk and have a good time, this makes it difficult for me to plan an outing to go and sit alone in a coffee shop.
I know that many people do it and they can even work, read, write, in them, we all know some story, for example, of famous writers like Hemingway or J. K. Rowling, who tell of having written their great literary successes in a coffee shop.
Me, I get distracted by anything: the couple who arrived, the lady who got up and left, the young man who drinks his coffee in one gulp because otherwise he wouldn't make it to work on time. My concentration is not on a specific activity that I want to do, but on what is going on around me.
However, last week something curious happened to me. I went to accompany my husband to the ophthalmologist. There were several people in the waiting room, so I knew from the start that we would spend several hours in the office, so I settled into a chair and began to chat with the people present.
Suddenly the conversation turned to topics that I am not willing to discuss, such as: the lady who considers that the cataract in her eye is a divine punishment or talking about all the evils that come to us after the age of fifty.
I ran out of there to get some fresh air walking along a nearby boulevard, I decided to go into the shopping mall that is on one side of the long walkway, to look at stores.
As soon as I entered I found the Bodegón Alpina, a place that I remembered as cozy, where they prepared a delicious coffee with exquisite pastries.

I immediately felt like having a coffee, but one of those party pooper thoughts appeared, telling me: -But, are you going alone to have a coffee, my immediate response was: -I'm not going alone, I'm going with me and I'm going to enjoy it.

I went in, ordered my favorite coffee and sweets. I sat down placidly to enjoy my good company, and far from being attentive to what was happening around me, I dedicated myself to thinking how easy it can be to go from a situation that pulls you down to another that fills you with tranquility and complacency.
Definitely, most of the time we can choose where we want to be.
Then I dedicated myself to take some pictures, surprising me with a nice message that covers one of its external windows that as I understand it says:
Sweet plus coffee is the most beautiful moment of the day. Indeed, that is how it was for me that enlightened morning.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Fuente de imágenes: Archivo personal.

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