I got back home from the NYSC orientation camp two days ago and it was shockingly a mix of emotions for me. I was very happy to finally be coming home and at the same time, I realized that I would actually miss some set of people that I met at camp. I joined this media team called OBS (Orientation Broadcasting Service) and the people in that team with me actually grew on me despite the first feeling of not belonging that I felt the first few days.

Joining that OBS team was actually the highlight of camp for me because it is the only thing I miss about camp. That team actually made camp interesting and memorable for me and I cannot even imagine how my time in camp would have been like if I were not on that team. Also, the fact that I was able to do what I enjoy doing during the course of that tedious 3 weeks made it all worth it. I took more pictures than I have ever taken in my entire life, lol.

I was also exposed to a part of photography that I wasnt used to and I can boldly say that I have actually grown so much in those aspects. As if that wasn't enough, my tenacity, hardwork and showing up at all times was noticed by so many people and I was commended from left and right. I must confess that it felt good, although it was hard for me to accept my flowers, lol.Infact, there was a point that I was recognized by so many people because I was always facing them with the camera. Being known is not something I am very comfortable with but I got more and more comfortable as days went by. I got awarded with a recognition that caught me by surprise - 'Most responsible Corp Member', haha! I was given a commendation later and I shook hands with the State Coordinator and left behind the camera for a moment to be in front for a quick picture.

Getting back some, some adulthood realizations actually began to hit me and I felt the need to do more. There were some things that I wished I could do but couldn't because I am not capable yet, and reality just hit me so hard. Also, there was the need to have a life that is straightened out and I knew I had some works to do. I reported to the PPA (place of primary assignment) I was posted to on the same day I left camp. It was the place I wanted, not because of any strong reason though, I just simply did not have anywhere else in mind.

When they informed me they were not taking corpers at the moment, I felt so disorganized instantly because it dawned on me that I didn't really have a plan B. I was told to check back on Monday because they might have a meeting concerning that decision and I am hoping it would be positive. If it turns out otherwise, I am really hoping the alternatives will be a bit fair on me. The universe should understand by now that I dislike stress so much.
Apart from all these, I am back to my actual life and I have to pick up from where I left some things. I also lost my Hive streak but I am not letting it affecting my goal, I will still keep writing and engaging with people. I wasn't really able to do much of it when I was at the camp but I am back now and definitely ready to make changes to that. I was learning front end development as well, and I have to refresh my memory and also proceed with my learning. I am not overwhelmed at all, and all I want to do right now is to put in the work to create the kind of life I desire for myself.
Thanks for reading ❤️
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