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RE: 🎶 I'm Going Through Chaangeees! 🎶

in Rant, Complain, Talk5 months ago

It sounds like hormonal fluctuations more than anything. It’s challenging to go through it but it does indeed make a day feel like the best then the following like you are running on empty.

I’m not talking simply about estrogen or testosterone but adrenal hormones, thyroid etc - sounds like you’re having some fluctuations there. Try to make sure you are eating well but specifically not consuming cheap vegetable oil if at all possible!

There’s a lot of connectivity with the stars and things of that nature that we don’t fully understand, at least on a scientific scale. The annoying thing about “science” these days is they demand you be able to touch it or something to call it real but that’s not the case at all.


Don't get me wrong, this is not a day-to-day basis, but more like every other week. And I would attribute it to hormones, but I've been pregnant the past 3 years and tests always came back great! 😅 Why my husband thinks I'm just pregnant again!

But you're right about that, diet will play a huge role on your energy and overall mood. No; no vegetable/highly processed oils for me. Cut back on sugar a lot, eating a lot of red meat but a lot of carbs as well...

As always, thank you for contributing 🙏 It's always great to hear from you, and as a Canadian celebrating Thanksgiving, I'm grateful to have you as a friend on here 😀 enjoy your day!

That’s good you don’t eat those things, but with recent experience with my wife there’s lots of things that can throw off hormones like thyroid, adrenal etc. not saying it’s the cause here but certainly something to keep in mind.

You could be needing magnesium, copper or another bit of minerals and things like that. The body is fascinating!

Cheers happy thanksgiving! A colleague of mine is in Canada and celebrated today as well, hope you had a great day and indeed grateful for the banter!