They Don't Know!!

in Hive Learnerslast year

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Nobody is perfect. We all are liable to make mistakes at one time or the other. And then, when people give us advice, especially people who genuinely care about us, they give it from a place of love and care, and many times, the advice is inspired by their personal experiences as well. They take what happened to them and use it as a yardstick for you, drawing the lessons and giving them to you so you don’t repeat the mistakes they make.

But then, this works many times, but not all the time. This is because no two situations are ever truly the same. There will always be factors that differentiate one from the other, factors that everyone will be unable to avoid. That is the reason why despite having the best intentions for us, every once in a while, our parents will also be wrong about things. I believe this is something everyone has experienced before, even if it’s only just once.


I have three sisters. Two older ones and one younger one, and then with my Mom in the house, it’s safe to say that back then I didn’t really have to do a lot of cooking. I think the main thing I did in the kitchen was to wash the dishes and even that little one, I struggled at it because who likes to wash the dishes?

However, as my elder sisters left home for school, it was just me, my mom, and my younger sister. It was becoming more and more difficult for me to stay away from cooking because myself and my sister were still in school back then and my mom was also working. My mom told me that learning to cook was not a privilege or a luxury, it was a necessity. Because when you can cook your own food, it will save you from a lot of embarrassment in the future. I didn’t see the wisdom in that, I kept avoiding such chores like a plague.


Eventually, she got fed up and made a new law. She bought enough foodstuffs and stocked up the house, but then she said no one was to ever tell her they were hungry. If you tried it, you’d regret it at once because of the way she’ll change it for you. If you’re hungry, you get into the kitchen and cook something! And not just cook for yourself, you’ll cook for everyone!

During that time, I was usually the first to come home, so I was always the worst hit by this rule. And that was how I started cooking, and I realized it wasn’t all that difficult. And whoever was cooking had the luxury of deciding what everyone would eat, so it was whatever I wanted to eat that everyone else had to eat. I just had to cook it well.

It didn’t make me enjoy cooking, to this day, I still try to avoid it if I can. But then, I don’t need anyone cooking for me today. Guys who can’t cook for themselves spend a lot of money and have to tolerate a load of bullshit from people helping them to cook.


In this place where I stay, there’s this neighbor of mine who is always calling on another neighbor to come cook for him. He’s always complaining that purposely inflates the prices of things to take money from him, and then she got too comfortable to the point that she was taking things from his house without asking and when he tried to complain, she would argue and even insult him. Yet, the next time he’s hungry, he’ll pick up his phone and call her to cook for him. Not that they’re married or dating ooo!

Learning to cook was one thing my parents were right about, and I’ve seen its benefits to this day. In my house, everyone cooks. Even my Dad! It’s something that is no longer a big deal for us.


Well, it’s not every time that my Mom has been right. I remember during the time I got admission into my current school, one of the things she told me was to focus on my studies. I was going to school to make good grades and not make friends. She told me there would be time for friends, there would be time for money, and I should just read my books and pass my exams.

Thankfully, I didn’t listen. How can you go to a higher institution and not make friends? I did focus on my books though and hustle hard for the good grades I promised her. But then, I had to focus on making money as well. And thanks to the friends I made, I found Hive, I became a professional ghostwriter, and I’m now a published author. I’m not a billionaire yet, but that status is not too far off.
So, I won’t say she was wrong entirely. Instead, I’ll say that if I had followed her instructions verbatim, I probably would not be making this post today. I probably would be in the school hostel with six other boys looking forward to the end of the month so I can get my next allowance. But I would have made my grades, right? Hehe…

We can’t always be right. But then, the right advice I’ve gotten from my parents has trumped the number of wrong ones, and that in itself is a win. I’m where I am today thanks to their guidance and counseling and even till the end of time, when they advised me, I would never take it with a pinch of salt.


Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

This post is inspired by the second topic of this week which is Always Right? Feel free to try it out.

N.B: All images used in this post are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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This is because no two situations are ever truly the same.

Absolutely. Not two situations are exactly the same. As the world is changing, many things are changing with it. What was obtainable 10 years ago may not be the case now. There was a time when jobs were waiting for graduates that finished with good grades. Parents pressed it on their wards to study hard, get good grades and grab the jobs. However, the rule have changed. In like manner, an advice that is helpful today may not be helpful in the next ten years. Change!!!

Exactly... many of our parents are from that era, that's why they believe that once you make it in school, your life will be set for you.
Their advice will always be helpful, that's for a fact.

How I wish I learnt how to cook at an early age. I suffered for that during my youth service. The lady I befriended was the one doing the cooking. Whenever we had a little argument, no food for me o. Bread and Coke became my solace. For a guy, learning how to cook is essential.

And as for the friends stuff, our parents are always worried we may fall into the wrong hands. That's why they do advice against friends. It was their twisted way of protecting us. Little did they know it also interpretes as they telling us they do not trust us to make informed decisions.

That kind of upbringing affected many of us and turned us into introverts today😂
So far so good, I'm not complaining.

So far so good, I'm not complaining.

Yes, no complaints. Though I do feel I let opportunities slip away due to being introverted.

but in reality i think everyone has been wrong at least once when they thought they were right at some point of life .

my mom somehow found my blog so I didn't want to write this topic :P incase she read it.

Good thing u learned to cook O.O it was the right move by your parents :P. as for the part u said she was wrong, I don't know I feel like it wasnt really wrong. she just wanted you to do well in your studies mainly. im sure she was fine with the other stuff as long as you balanced it out and made sure it didnt affect your studies which is probably what she was worried about.

This sounds real. I mean your reason for not participating.

o.o are u stalking me lol. yes :) good reason right

Yeah, like I said, she was not fully wrong because in the end, that particular advice still helped me stay focused.

O.O yes i saw u say that :') dont worry

It is a fact that we all make mistakes in this world and after making a mistake, we will definitely make the same mistake again and especially those people who explain and tell us this. That this thing is wrong and this thing is right, then those people who are very good in our favor, we should value these people and we should also think that we have made a mistake once and it will not happen again.

Yeah... we must value them because they're the only ones who will tell us things because it's important, and not because they think it's what we want to hear.

Yeah you are right.

Even though we usually see our parents as our mini gods, they still don’t know it all. There are so many times when they make mistakes. And that’s why human beings are logical including old and young so we can always correct each other of our mistakes

Exactly... we learn from each other. We're all humans!

Our parents still remains the best when it comes to morals although they can be wrong something but the are still the best adviser so far

Yeah, vey correct.

Parents are our valuation and theu keep good intention for us. The cooking rules said by your mother was smart one. Hehe, I also cook when it's necessary like today 🤣.

Making friends have no time limit and it happens automatically. There is no rule that if we do study we can't make friends.

Yeah... they believe that too much of friends will distract you from studies. That's quite true, but then the right friends will also be beneficial to your academic career.