Over the weekend, we heard the shocking news of how Iran launched an attack against Israel. I’m hearing that there are casualties and Iran is also threatening to send down more fire if Israel retaliates, and they also threaten to send some to the US if they also choose to get involved. For most of the Weekend, it’s all I could see on my Tiktok timeline and even on X.
This thing is kind of happening slowly, but it all seems like the rest of the world isn’t paying attention. When it happens initially, the entire world goes agog and clamors for peace, but over time the interest dies down as something else draws their attention.
That was how it was when Russia went to war against Ukraine, and that was how it was when Israel launched their attack on Palestine. And now, Iran has gone after Israel as well. Bullets, bombs, and missiles are flying all over the place and the majority of the world just wants to live their life in peace.
That’s the irony of the entire thing. Only less than one percent of the world’s population actually cares about these things that are being fought for. The majority of the people just want to live their lives in peace, they want to leave and provide for their family without having to wonder if it’ll rain bullets before they come back. They want to go to sleep at night without being scared that they’ll wake up to see enemy soldiers shooting at them.
This generation is not built for war, that’s why we have fewer and fewer youths applying to get into the Army. Funny enough, the casualties are usually the young soldiers who simply follow orders and innocent civilians whose only crime is living in a targeted area. Meanwhile, those who initiate the war will be safe in their bunkers, and send more men off to die.
I don’t want war, there are so many things I hope to achieve in life and war isn’t one of them. It’ll never be the answer because it always takes more than it gives. And as always, the people will be the ones to suffer it. They will always be at the receiving end of the war.
Now, I’m not scared that a world war is going to break out. There’s little likelihood of that happening because there’s a whole lot more at stake now than there was back when WW2 took place. Now, the people are more involved, they can really decipher for themselves why they’re going to war and they can decide to protest it. Due to economic trade and the like, many countries have a lot to consider before helping any country that’s already at war.
That’s the reason, many countries can only look on while others are attacking each other because when it comes down to the bottom line, they’re looking out for the interest of their own citizens. And only those strong enough can actually intervene without being scared of any backlash.
Besides all that, there’s still NATO to consider. Many countries don’t have the resources to launch a full-scale war, at the very least a war that will cripple the world. And going after one NATO country is the same as going after 30 countries including the United States and the top ten militaries of the world. This is enough to make anyone think twice before making an attack.
While all this means that there would be no World War, it doesn’t mean that there won’t be any war at all. A neighboring country can just as easily decide to come after yours simply because they feel that they’re bigger than you and deserve to take you for themselves. They shoot guns at you, and you shoot back at them. And that’s how wars will begin.
At first, the world will be shocked and organizations will talk about how horrific it is, they’ll call for peace to reign and ask everyone to stop at once. But since one side isn’t willing to listen, the war goes on. And eventually, the world moves on but the countries are still at war. Everyone else is simply watching.
Honestly, I don’t know what the world is turning into. Things can get really messed up within the blink of an eye. And when it does, it’s innocent civilians like us who get to suffer for it. It’s just painful.
Now, I’m no military expert, so most of everything I’ve said here is my opinion based on what I’ve read online. So, it’s possible that I could be very wrong in some aspects, and for that, I stand corrected. But all in all, I really hope that there are nothing but brighter days ahead for the world because
we need it now more than ever.