Hello everyone
I hope everyone is doing fine here. I have sometimes experienced riding bicycle which I make sure to share here in this community. This one is a bit funny and will be having some interesting points. Let's start our adventure.
I am at my village nowadays where I have been enjoying every moment because village always made me happy. Yesterday when I was coming out of my dera I saw a kid with a bicycle which was enough to take out the kid inside me. I asked him to stop but he accelerated, I chased him and picked him up from the bicycle. After that I asked my friend to take a snap of me.

Everyone was staring me but I didn't care because I had to complete some rounds before that kids mum arrive and scold me for doing so. I was singing and enjoying the moments while seeing the green fields around me. My village is rich with greenery and it never disappoints you if you ever want to see nature's beauty.

Well, it was more fun than a proper bicycle ride because I can't get too long away with that small bicycle. First thing was that it was a small cycle and not suitable for my size plus I had the feel about that child who was constantly looking at me with an innocent face. He wasn't that innocent the way he was at that time. The main thing was her mum's fear, so I just made a short round almost about 1km.

Here I was back where a lot of child surrounded me for the sake of justice. One said to me that brother please give it to me before returning him back so that I can also get a chance to ride the bicycle. First I wanted to fulfil his wish because em so generous but then I remembered that it is not my bicycle. I get to the child, gave him some money to make him happy so that he can buy some food for him. He was happy and then I put him back on the bicycle. In this way I was successful in giving an happy ending to this adventure.

Well, this was all from my side.