Hello everyone
I hope you all are doing fine. A few days back i read a post in the community about the game age of empires which brought a lot of memories from my childhood when i used to play these games a lot. AOE, AOM on computer and COC on mobile phone. I just loved to build a beautiful empire and destroy my enemies with a mighty force. Just to bring those old vibes back i downloaded the AGE OF MYTHOLOGY once again and played it.

Actually it was an expansion pack, a repack by a third party because it isn't available for free on internet. It included all editions of this game. The most loveable part of these games for me are the campaign part. Although the campaigns in this game all are the work of fiction unlike age of empires which is more like the subject of history.

For now i played a random game with moderate difficulty, which means the enemy will keep on attacking my base after every few minutes once they have established their base. If i would have selected titanic (the worst difficulty) they will attack with a large force just after a few minutes of the game. So it's impossible to slay them in titanic without cheats.

The game started with two ulfsark wandering around. Actually i selected the norse empire which is unique because their soldiers construct and repair all the buildings. This is mostly an advantage in the battle where i destroy the enemy buildings and build mine instantly over there. Well, for now we built our town centre and with the help of peasants, started to gather resources.

Once enough resources were gathered i started to build my base by advancing to the next ages and building barracks and walls around the corner so that enemy can't enter my area without facing some hurdles.

Still those bluds managed to attack my base and when i looked around there was a way from the forests which game them way. I was short of soldiers and buildings at that time but thanks to the town centre which continuously fired arrows at them and killed them all. Town centre, watch towers and castles come in really handy to make the defenses of your city strong.

The enemy is in the red pursuit if you want to identify them in the picture above. This attack was enough to make me angry, now i was going to smash their every building to ground no matter if it was their temple, houses or even the peasants or gatherers. I just started building barracks, producing giants from the holy building and built a castle too near the wall to keep them away from attacking again.

While my city was built, soldiers were ready with a company of giants alongside. I knew this strength was enough to destroy them all but still to make sure everything i tried the last move. I started building house of the titan, the most powerful beast with a massive amount of hit points and a good health. He can't be damaged easily but can damage a lot.

I put my all soldiers on building the house of that beast. It was around 15000 points to complete in order to build his house, that's the reason i put my all soldiers because i wanted to destroy the enemy before they can build there titan and as far as i remember the Chinese titan is powerful than the norse one.

Hehe, yay boy. Here i am in enemies area and it was strange that they hadn't any soldiers standing, i think they sent all of them to attack my base. A little less fun but still a lot when i destroyed their building and my titan sent their peasants flying in the air. You win if you destroy their all buildings, they offer a surrender after that.

When i destroyed the last standing watch tower of enemy they offered a surrender which i accepted and stayed victorious.

Well, that's all from my side.