It's been brought to my attention and I've contacted cardboard. No response yet but usually he does reply within a few days and backpays missing payouts. Nothing more can be done from my side at this time.
Thank you for your speed, and do you know if there is a discord or to contact someone when there is a problem?
It's quite a small project/service so no discord, cardboard also doesn't seem that active on hive lately, no shared discord servers with me, only way I can contact him is by being friends on discord. Let's hope everything is okay and he gets back soon.
for the moment I'm going to stop using it, and it's a shame that the project doesn't work as it should, however the project is cool, with a good trail too, ^^
I'm personally not a fan of the trails as they encourage spams and abuse. Just voting on posts cause they use your service isn't great, but I was outvoted on that decision.
It's also kind of sad looking at your posts that this is probably the only genuine engagement you seem to have received in a long time.