#readingUnmoderated tagAll postsTrendingHotNewPromotedPayoutsevih in #humour • 2 days ago The New Me by Halle Butlersource This is a short (around 200 pages) all-vibes-(almost)-no-plot litfic, with prose more on the simple side. Millie, in her early 30s, spends her tievih in #novel • 3 days agoLittle Eyes by Samanta Schweblinsource I think my chief problem with this story is that it was more interesting as a concept than what itevih in #fantasy • 5 days agoOathbringer - Brandon Sandersonsource Finished!!! Wow, this one took me a while compared to the first two books. I felt like the first two books were fasterevih in #fiction • 6 days agoWe Do Not Part - Han Kangsource I have to say, this was a rollercoaster, in terms of story, in terms of learning about the history and also myevih in #fiction • 7 days agoSunrise on the Reaping - Suzanne Collinssource I was a bit worried that this book wont bring anything new to the table since we knowevih in #fantasy • 9 days agoWater Moon by Samantha Sotto Yambaosource This was way more focused on romance than what the summary led on (but the GR genreevih in #fiction • 20 days agoIron Widow - Xiran Jay Zhaosource I found this book to be fast-paced with a perfect blend of action, fantasy, sci-fi, romance, and comedy. I listened to the audioboevih in #fiction • 10 days agoThe Heart Is a Lonely Hunter - Carson McCullerssource What a slog this was to get through. So much of the story felt incoherent. Much of the detail was just filler and irrelevant to the ploevih in #fiction • 23 days agoThe Terror - Dan Simmonssource What a saga, in terms of both my reading experience and the myriad of hardships these seamen haevih in #fiction • 8 days agoA Woman Is No Man - Etaf Rumsource This book elicits a very strong emotion from me, so that's good. I like that it felt fast paced, hard to read due to the topic but vnostalgic1212 in #hive-105017 • last year「Vicky's Reading」《越冬》by桂花铁皮盒(陈越x莫冬)【下篇】在同一个屋檐下的生活让陈越开始动心,但不管他怎么做莫冬都觉得那只是同情。某天他以工作调动唯有离开了攻的城市,陈越去看过他,却被他再一次拒之门外。 两个人三年没在联系,但莫冬不知道的是,陈越每周都会坐几个小时的高铁在他家附近看看他。后来两人的公司有合作,攻奋起追妻,最后妥妥地HE啦~…nostalgic1212 in #hive-105017 • last year「Vicky's Reading」《胜却人间无数》by边想(凌君则x沈放)【上篇】《胜却人间无数》by边想(凌君则x沈放)清冷俊美系戏子攻VS话唠霸道总裁受|现代/竹马竹马/戏曲/久别重逢/再续前缘/破镜重圆/HE 凌君则的母亲曾在疁(liú)剧上极富才华前途无量,无奈被渣男欺骗未婚生子还做了小三。她单独照顾儿子,将所有梦想都压在他身上,严厉到令人发指的地步。…nostalgic1212 in #hive-105017 • last year「Vicky's Reading」《重生之幽灵棋手》by空灯流远(陈耀然x沈昭)【上篇】陈耀然跟沈昭从小就在围棋大师张隐9段的门下学习,沈昭从小就皮,七岁开始用各种顽劣的手段追求陈耀然。到他10岁的时候戛然而止,因为他车祸去世了。 本以为故事到这里就结束了,谁成想10年后沈昭居然重生了。再见面的时候他11岁陈耀然21岁,他们之间横亘着的除了时间还有围棋上的境界。…nostalgic1212 in #hive-105017 • last yearVicky's Reading」《胜却人间无数》by边想(凌君则x沈放)【下篇】小说开篇就是两人久别重逢,凌君则冷着一张脸拒沈放于千里之外,毕竟12年前两人最后一次见面着实有些惨烈。倒叙徐徐展开的少年时代,透着股少年爱情青涩的味道。 本来以为会有很长的追夫桥段,实则没有,除了凌君则母亲去世以及沈放母亲反对以外几乎没有虐点。划重点,戏子攻!戏子攻!戏子攻!别逆CP啊! 【好少见的戏子攻!太满足我的xp了!】…nostalgic1212 in #hive-105017 • last year「Vicky's Reading」《回到民国当导演》by拉棉花糖的兔子(周斯音x纪霜雨)【下篇】如果你喜欢大开金手指的苏爽文,这篇很不错(现实生活一步步打怪升级已经够难了,大家才会特别喜欢看这种金手指的爽文,不过我觉得金手指开得有点大)。 这篇文的攻设定很有意思,标准的帅气多金有家教(但毒舌)的人设,但是居然特别胆小怕鬼还迷信。算上那个日常拖更的知名作家,他们俩真是承包了我这周的笑点🤣…nostalgic1212 in #hive-105017 • last year「Vicky's Reading」《合同制奴才》by梅八叉(沈灏x萧方)《合同制奴才》by梅八叉(沈灏x萧方)腹黑扭曲渣攻VS忠犬无耻渣受|古风/强强/江湖恩怨/虐恋情深/欢喜冤家/契约情人/HE 萧方是无量魔教的毒尊,因为肆意妄为在江湖上的名声并不好,但众人却也奈何不了他。沈灏是沈家最不受宠的幺子,连他自己挣来的武林盟主都显得那么可笑。 江湖传言,沈灏的剑和萧方手是见者死,无一例外。…nostalgic1212 in #hive-105017 • last year「Vicky's Reading」《满分赝品》by周凉西(章献淮x林冬迟)【下篇】《满分赝品》by周凉西(章献淮x林冬迟)独立专制精明失忆攻VS可爱重情迷糊小可爱受|现代/伪替身梗/失忆梗/狗血/甜虐/HE ———⚠️以下涉及严重剧透,请谨慎阅读⚠️——— 原来10年前同章献淮关在小黑屋的是林冬迟,出去喊大人来救的也是他。这一切唯一知道的人就是林措,从那时候他偷走了属于林冬迟的10年。…nostalgic1212 in #hive-105017 • last year「Vicky's Reading」《娱乐天空》by卡比丘(赵之昂x何惧)【下篇】《娱乐天空》by卡比丘(赵之昂x何惧)强势霸道总裁攻VS欢快沙雕明星受|现代/娱乐圈/灵魂互换/暗恋成真/悬疑/惊悚/HE 看到是卡比丘太太的文加上广播剧完结了,直接就冲啦,睡前小甜饼一个。整体文风很欢乐,中间有些悬疑玄学的东西,但不是恐怖流,不要害怕。…nostalgic1212 in #hive-105017 • last year「Vicky's Reading」《偷风不偷月》by北南(项明章x沈若臻)【下篇】最近看的特别喜欢的一篇中长篇文,小说的感情线缓缓展开,两人从攻对受抱有成见到情根深种。一见钟情太不切实际,通过了解慢慢走向对付才更有戏剧感。 事业线非常精彩,个人觉得是篇很不错的商战文。两个人都极富商业头脑,沈若臻虽然是民国人,但他的头脑放在现代丝毫没有违和感。 [看看人家学做PPT和报告,shame on myself😅]…nostalgic1212 in #hive-105017 • last year「Vicky's Reading」《偷风不偷月》by北南(项明章x沈若臻)【上篇】1945年春,沈若臻秘密送出最后一批抗币后关闭复华银行,在安全转移的途中遭遇海难人事不省。他再度睁开眼睛时是在医院,眼前的男人正在对自己念挽联。 沈若臻发现自己身穿到了同样遭受海难的浪荡子楚识琛身上,从最初的迷茫到迅速发挥才智安家乐业,他只花了很短的时间(富二代还要努力工作,太励志了)。…