#blockchainpoetsUnmoderated tagAll postsTrendingHotNewPromotedPayoutsmbracho in #hive-161465 • 2 days agoYo sueño con incendiar el horizonte... & I dream of setting fire to the horizon... (Poema & Poem)Yo sueño con incendiar el horizonte... Cada noche tejo Un nudo de raíces Mientras el viento muerde Oxidadas monedas olvidadas. Y sueño... ¡Sueño con incendiar el horizonte, Convirheruvim1978 in #blockchainpoets • 2 months agoDaydreamingThe veil was lifted! the peacock said. I was missing so much the third eye wide open and such. Now I can withstand the relentless attack of the technological demons feedingstickupmusic in #blockchainpoets • last yearBlockchainPoets Weekly Prompt - Life is for living....Introduction Thought I would come back for more as I enjoyed last week. The weekly prompt is life .png](kelvinpeters in #hive-161465 • last yearLIBERATION.Source Are you going to sit, and watch your dreams wither away? Are you going to sit, or rise and pull the bull by its horn? Are you going to sit, or stand akelvinpeters in #hive-161465 • last yearABSENCE OF LIFESource What comes like a thief in the night Creeping into the hearts of men on its toes Patiently wastickupmusic in #hive-161465 • last yearBlockchain Poets weekly Prompt - Where am I going?Blockchain Poets weekly Prompt @stickupboys said I should have a go at this so here I go!rinconpoetico7 in #hive-161465 • last yearThe ants (Las hormigas) [EN/ES]Englishstuartcturnbull in #hive-161465 • 8 months agoLamentIn the end, when all is done, what we're left with, is the song we sung. The song we sung, is all that's left, for loneliness to guard, astuartcturnbull in #hive-161465 • last yearThe Pied Pyper of HamlynNestled in far high mountains, 'neath shelter of vast grey crags, there lies a nestled valley, of pastures and meadows green, and scattered allbeaescribe in #hive-161465 • last yearMY LOVE POEMS/I have coveted your hands▶️ Watch on 3Speak February is the monthstuartcturnbull in #hive-161465 • last yearA Memory of Tomorrow - A villanelleBourbon starts the day with many regrets. Stale smells of bacon from the warming plate, A memory of breasts. Truth, not a jest. Drowning imell79 in #hive-161465 • last year🎊 A Letter To My Future Self 🎊🎊 A Letter To My Future Self 🎊 [Source Edited Via Canva](beaescribe in #hive-161465 • last yearPoetry/ Poesía (English-Spanish)▶️ Watch on 3Speak POETRY/ POESÍA (English-Spanish) *sayury in #hive-179291 • 2 months agoEL ESPERADO 10 / THE EXPECTED 10 [Spa - Eng]This is a bilingual publication. At the end of the post you will find the English language version Serpentea con losmbracho in #hive-179291 • last monthLa tierra no se nombra, se descalza... ( Poema)📚 Un árbol escribe con paciencia,Su historia de corteza y cicatrices,Atravesando el silencioespeso y húmedomiguelmederico in #hive-179291 • 9 months agoAtravesado en la Mitad | FELIZ DÍA DEL PERIODISTAAlguien debe contarte cómo se ve el mundo desde el medio, alguien debe enseñarte a ver el mundo desde el medio. Es una posición difícil, porque los dos bandos se oponen…