#animal-photographyUnmoderated tagAll postsTrendingHotNewPromotedPayoutssoulsdetour in #animal-photography • last yearThe secret life of a ruinDo the ruins have a future? I don't know about the future, but they certainly have an interesting personal life hidden from the eyes of the commvicent21 in #hive-127238 • 9 months agoUn pajarito solitario.Admiro a los pajaros porque son libres como el viento, jamas deberian estar en jaulas ya que nacoeron en libertad. Mas bien deberiamos de disfrutar de verlos de sus colores y…nayita238 in #hive-127238 • 9 months agoVisitas sobre el techo. Esp-Eng.Ya es como comun ver ciertos pajaros pequeños sobre los techos: canaritos, palomas, como otros, lo que si no es comun es ver este tipo de pajaros que son mas grandes, que son los…vicent21 in #hive-127238 • 22 days agoPicture Day 4-31...Hello here with this cute little bird that seems to be attentive to something else, which is what allowed me to take this picture. Because birds are a bit difficult to stay…soulsdetour in #hive-127238 • last yearThe mothA gorgeous moth I found by chance in the yard. I wish I could say its name, but it turns out that almost every time I search and supposedly finvicent21 in #hive-127238 • 7 months agoUna visita especial. Esp...EngNo todas las visitas que llegan a mi casa son personas no, tambien pueden ser de pajaritos, pero estos llegan, mas que todo por el patio. En busqueda de alimento o agua, que…vicent21 in #hive-127238 • 20 days agoPicture Day 7-31...Thank you birdie for your song.There is nothing more beautiful than the song of the birds, as different as they are, so is their song. Every morning in the house next door there is a tree that even with its…vicent21 in #hive-127238 • 25 days agoPicture Day 1 de 31....Trua Trua....We start this month of March, which has 31 days, that's why I wrote 1 of 31, that I will try to post one picture a day during this month, I hope I can do it. I start with this…gidlark in #hive-127238 • last yearПтахи. Зима 2023-2024 #11 (Birds. Winter 2023-2024 #11)UA EN Пішов маленький сніжок. A little snowball went. Сamera Lens Cagidlark in #hive-127238 • 4 months agoЖурба (Sorrow)UA EN Це фото нагадує про те, наскільки глибоко тварини вміють відчувати. Їхній світ сповнений емоцій, які ми, на жаль, не завжди помічаємо. У кожному русі, погляді, чи…gidlark in #hive-127238 • last yearПтахи. Зима 2023-2024 #10 (Birds. Winter 2023-2024 #10)Сamera Lens Canon EOS M6 Mark II EF-S55-250mm f/4-5.6 ISgidlark in #hive-127238 • 8 months agoСпостерігач (Observer)UA EN Кожного дня вони прилітають на моє подвір'я і сідають на дах сараю. Спостерігають, чи є хтось на території. Якщо вони бачать, що людей немає, спускаються вниз і…gidlark in #hive-127238 • last yearПтахи. Зима 2023-2024 #20 (Birds. Winter 2023-2024 #20)Сamera Lens Canon EOS M6 Mark II EF-S55-250mm f/4-5.6 ISgidlark in #hive-127238 • last yearПтахи. Зима 2023-2024 #19 (Birds. Winter 2023-2024 #19)Сamera Lens Canon EOS M6 Mark II EF-S55-250mm f/4-5.6 ISgidlark in #hive-127238 • last yearПтахи. Зима 2023-2024 #18 (Birds. Winter 2023-2024 #18)Сamera Lens Canon EOS M6 Mark II EF-S55-250mm f/4-5.6 ISgidlark in #hive-127238 • last yearПтахи. Зима 2023-2024 #15 (Birds. Winter 2023-2024 #15)Сamera Lens Canon EOS M6 Mark II EF-S55-250mm f/4-5.6 ISgidlark in #hive-127238 • last yearПтахи. Зима 2023-2024 #26 (Birds. Winter 2023-2024 #26)Сamera Lens Canon EOS M6 Mark II EF-S55-250mm f/4-5.6 ISgidlark in #hive-127238 • last yearПтахи. Зима 2023-2024 #25 (Birds. Winter 2023-2024 #25)Сamera Lens Canon EOS M6 Mark II EF-S55-250mm f/4-5.6 ISgidlark in #hive-127238 • last yearПтахи. Зима 2023-2024 #24 (Birds. Winter 2023-2024 #24)Сamera Lens Canon EOS M6 Mark II EF-S55-250mm f/4-5.6 ISgidlark in #hive-127238 • last yearПтахи. Зима 2023-2024 #23 (Birds. Winter 2023-2024 #23)Сamera Lens Canon EOS M6 Mark II EF-S55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS