Visitas sobre el techo. Esp-Eng.

in Picture A Day9 months ago

Ya es como comun ver ciertos pajaros pequeños sobre los techos: canaritos, palomas, como otros, lo que si no es comun es ver este tipo de pajaros que son mas grandes, que son los de rapiña que significa que se alimentan de los pajaros mas pequeñitos.

Este se llama Cari Cari uno de sus variedades, pero que ultimamente se ven mucho porque no se.

Foto propia tomada con Camara Sony.

Traduccion hecha con la app DeepL.


It is already common to see certain small birds on the roofs: canaritos, pigeons, as others, what is not common is to see this type of birds that are larger, which are the birds of prey that means that they feed on the smallest birds.

This one is called Cari Cari one of its varieties, but lately they are seen a lot because I don't know.

Own photo taken with Sony camera.

Translation made with the app DeepL.

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