Hive is the Key?.

in #hive26 days ago

To open what?

The Hive Name.png


Is Hive the key for anything? Can Hive open anything? Anything that is not a can of worms. Last thing we need is a load of new bluebottles flying around.

Let's take a step back to why Crypto tokens came about. What was said? BTC can be the alternative currency? Since then it has been hijacked and controlled to a large degree by allegedly the CIA.

But let's skip the hype and just look at things with a practical mind from where things stand now. Because since the launch of BTC. Crypto has become nothing but greed. Greed will not serve the people.

Is there any door Hive can open to do the things they said BTC could do and didn't?

What is it that would give Hive the advantage over other tokens and chains?

What has Hive got that others do not have?

For all the answers someone might put here, I reply Bollox and challenge you to debate.

It is not the things you have done that define you. The things you do not do, that you could do define you.

From the outside looking in. The only thing people see is vultures thieves and devs. All the same thing.

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Anyone with the BALLS to debate me come along. I welcome the debate.

When people say security of the chain. What do they mean? Coding for the security of the chain? Does that really provide future security for the chain? Code security is not blockchain security. Security for the blockchain is, the ability to keep going. This ability is dwindling away.

Everyone ignores things by choice. It does not fit their life. There lays the problem. Those who do say they are doing things from the chain, just keep growing their own power. They get the support of a following and then abuse it for self gain.

No one is against anyone earning. Earning without any shown positive result looks more like a scam.

The future of the blockchain is not in the code. the strength is build up from demand. And everything the Dev do. Does nothing to build demand.

The latest thing is to remove the middleman by becoming the middle man to make the profit. Totally embracing hypocrisy. The middleman is okay if it is a Hive project. This is a profits for pockets manipulation. Boast about no fee's then charge fee's for exchanges. Is it not obvious. The need for an exchange is nonsense. People turning HBD to HIVE to extract to turn to something else.

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We have coders on Hive getting paid for 3 years to do the same project. In cases maybe even getting funded for a private profit making project. That will return nothing to the blockchain But fill another private wallet.

Then you have the thing. So many separated projects seeking funding support. All of these project if actually cost the sum of HBD requested are a drain that needs to be plugged on the chain.

Every Dev coder getting paid from the blockchain is a negative impact to the chain. They will tell you they believe in the blockchain. If you believe that much reduce your costs to get paid later. But bollox will they. They have easy money coming in with no accountability.

Development of the chain is not in how we pay out. Developing how we are able to help people cash out without impact on the chain tokens is much better. The priorities on what gets developed are backwards.

The longer we wait. The higher the cost to cover the past.

The key players in Hive. Have a show outside of where the Hive population is. A Discord server dedicated to Hive and projects on Hive. Ignored as a place to inform people. Why not have the show there with a live audience and take the questions from the discord chat? Or even just ignore the chat and let people listen in to what has to be said there.

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The doors left unlocked. One of them has the solution. The Key is a question. Open the door with that question.

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Rising Star. Discord.

Get involved.

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COLT token


I’ll take your bait.
Issue is, I basically agree with you.
I see unchecked drainage everywhere.
I recognize that several want to create tools and do good things for hive. But many more are content with status quo, shh, don’t look over here, we’re busy dev’ing…trust us.
It’s a cluster fuck though, for all the bitch ass leaches there are passionate folks really trying.

I often feel trapped between, I couldn’t code my way out of an already open door. ‘Code the change’
Wtf, you mean there isn’t a place for common sense, we need code to say hey…. You just got a bunch of grant money, show us what you did with it.
Shut up Buttcoins
I dunno.
Despite it all I’m still hopeful.
I sense a small but gathering community momentum.
So I will keep nudging my way along.
Maybe someday I’ll just pull that key right out a my Butt

So, if I am correct. The question you ask to be debated is. Can your "butt" provide the answers to Hive issues?

Then My answer would be yes. Then the how to bring to being.

shh, don’t look over here, we’re busy dev’ing…trust us.

You made my day and it's only 9 am :D

Thank you for that!!!