I’ll take your bait.
Issue is, I basically agree with you.
I see unchecked drainage everywhere.
I recognize that several want to create tools and do good things for hive. But many more are content with status quo, shh, don’t look over here, we’re busy dev’ing…trust us.
It’s a cluster fuck though, for all the bitch ass leaches there are passionate folks really trying.
I often feel trapped between, I couldn’t code my way out of an already open door. ‘Code the change’
Wtf, you mean there isn’t a place for common sense, we need code to say hey…. You just got a bunch of grant money, show us what you did with it.
Shut up Buttcoins
I dunno.
Despite it all I’m still hopeful.
I sense a small but gathering community momentum.
So I will keep nudging my way along.
Maybe someday I’ll just pull that key right out a my Butt