Well, who else?.

Because of you. I wonder how you read those three words. I bet if you are reading this. You might be wondering if I am talking about you.
Well if the shoe fits. It doesn't mean it is your shoe.
I think at some point we have all said because of ... It doesn't really matter what that ... is. I just chose you as the ...
Well. You. Because of you. Someone else lost something somewhere along the way. They may not have minded losing what they lost. In fact, they probably sacrificed something they liked for you. Things you will never know were given up. Because of you.
I can hear the wokey now. That was their choice. They didn't force them. Hell they were the foetus they didn't even have a choice to be born. Right up to today. Because someone didn't do something. You have no responsibility yourself?
Not a stump to stand on here to dare preach to you.
I guess the measure is. Are they happy they did for you?
Even me. The things I do is because of you. I don't even feckin know who you are.
There used to be a thing. People would say, So So, one in a million them. Today that would be one in a hundred million. Because of the population increase.
The way it works is numbers. And the one in a million leaves what 1 Million minus one. So you need two one in a million people to meet up. Just to get a better than one in a million.
That person of exception for whatever reason. Becomes harder and harder to find. Because there is less chance of there being one. Those %'s do not rise with the population rise.
So, No matter who you are. You are nothing special. Chances are not even close. All of the things around you. The things you have or want. All of those are because of other people. Not Because of You. They probably all hold a justified sense of pride too.
It is not about you, It is about what you can do? More about the possibilities and exploration. Then if we embrace it or deny it.

For me. I will be fine. I have always had that feeling. Things generally do work out, not too bad. Probably a little over 4 years to go. Currently I amin no need for an income. Although I do not have money to just spend either.
I do not see a reason to worry for my future. Not for finances anyway. Today an extra penny would be nice, not essential. That is pretty much how life has always been in these shoes. Tomorrow, there will be an extra penny.
In the end I do not worry of me. I worry of others. I care about the hardships they will face. No matter what is done. There will always be hardships. Even providing housing food water energy for everyone on the planet. People outside of the extremes would still suffer hardships.
I think there is the focus for Hive's charity. This is key to assist with other future developments Hive can do as a chain and be a decentralized organisation too. Ask for more details.
In real life I see corruption at every turn. Hive I see the work arounds to remove part of that corruption. When used as a tool in general life and a weapon when the chain is threatened. Again ask for more details.
The things I do on Hive. I will, I do benefit from. It would be pointless if there was no benefit from. Mostly the benefit is daily. Some daily benefits are better than others.
The odd one is not better than the others. Some days, well ye just piss people off. Mastered that one at a young age. You can teach an old dog new tricks. But he won't forget the old ones.
So there is no doubt that I too fall to that category of the first part to this post. A Because of you. I too want all my deserving's and the world to live as I think everyone should.
And I am the one that blames you. The Because of You it did not get done.
I am here on Hive for me. The 0.00001% chance I can actually make half of this come true. Is still a chance.
The views I hold seem to be shared by more and more. Maybe a few will combine some resources and make something happen.
SO. If I do all of what I do for me. Well I would not do it. I do not expect anyone to understand that.
My journey here on Hive is nothing more than a trip and Hive is the engine that will take me to the destination. Hive is just the train I travel on. Maybe while travelling, I can build something that cannot have a central control over end user finance.
To do that. Am I doing for you or me? Is it all about me?

The Game.
Do I play this game for me or you?
I do play it for me. Since I began to play. I tried to provide help to others from the progress of my game. The EGO! speaking. I think I caused a few ripples or highlighted some unexpected things along the way.
I have done okay from Hive and from the game. The game has probably held the biggest influence in my Hive activity since I began to play.
Like many of the new games. Obstacles came about and the game today, is still making progressive improvements and developing the gameplay. Opening a range of styles to play the game with. Preventing one person from gaining an advantage in all areas.
The same with any game token. Unless an item is sold by the game itself, an increasing volume of the card pushes the values down. This would go for NFT and game tokens. Both in general have a depreciating value.
To some degree this can be countered. The game has been going now for almost 4 years. The token volume is high and compared to Hive. It could drop even lower. Ot probably will.
For me though. I seen this happening and tried to think of a solution. I came up with @gamesupport and since then the account has sent hundreds of HIVE worth of cards to the graveyard. Taken out of the game and unable to earn more tokens from the game. This I think helps everyone in the game. It was made to do that and it does it.
I also see the cost of some cards too cheap and others just way over the top for the card it is.
To help players overcome some of those cards. Some that they may miss from card packs while the cards are in packs. Or maybe players that join later. The account @rscardclub was created.
This account provides cards so far at HIGH cost to thehive. The benefits of the account will go to members of the club.
Most of the things I do or say are very rarely about me. When they are. They are generally a spoken word done in a DM with @Snook who takes the brunt of frustration graciously and calms my mind.
I think you got me wrong.
But then. Here I am writing a post and it is about all me me me, Because of You.

Jux had said to skim a 10% from a post was cool as incentive to post. I thought about that for a couple of days and then used that option to help grow some other accounts. I am skimming I think 5% for my niece and 5% for rsgraveyard2. (take time,) when it reaches 50HBD I will ask Jux to make it a member of the club for the trickle benefits it will get over the years.
He might go for that. Then maybe there is a better use for the HBD at the time.
The satisfaction I have gained from the past years on Hive. I do not think it can be measured. The financial gain has been small. But others mountainous.
That is what I think the rscardclub can do for members. Provide a rung on the ladder hat is just there for anyone to use without.
I do all of this for me. So that I might grow to a status of influence or along the way. One of these other passengers on the train might hear me jabber. Then exit the train with a new idea and build something even if smal. If many on this long journey of years do the same thing. Then one day. Itcan be our train travelling along those tracks and linking them together with the things they need. Not what they are shared.
I can only live in one town. So I do this part for you.

Free to play:
Music game: https://www.risingstargame.com?referrer=thehive
Rising Star. Discord. https://discord.gg/dbB6Jc7
Get involved.
Integrated projects:
COLT token