Scholar Showcase - Mid April

in Scholar and Scribe10 months ago

Greetings and welcome to the Scholar Showcase! 👏🕺🍻 This is where we reward our diligent Scholars for their amazing engagement in the community. 😮 I know! Rewards for free? Where's the catch? There's no catch! If you are an active member in the comments, you can be selected for free prizes! 😱

🤔 How can I become eligible? 🤔

Easy! All you have to do is be a good person. I know this comes easier for some than others though. 😅 So in layman's terms, we'll reward constructive engagement as we see fit.

Criteria that might help you get selected:

  • The more comments = the better;
  • Constructive/helpful feedback;
  • Engagement centered on the piece of fiction;

⚠️ Comments must be in English to be eligible.

🥳 Congratulations 🥳

👉 @Justclickindiva | @Riconpoetico7 | @Loveth97 👈

You each receive 1 HSBI for your engagement in the Scholar and Scribe community. Thank you for your contributions and for being model Scholars. We hope to see you again!

As for the rest of you - get to engaging! Let us become better writers together!

Check out our 2023 Scribe of the Year

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Read The 2023 Scribe Spotlights


About the Scholar and Scribe Community

Scholar and Scribe is a creative writing community founded in the forges of Hive's passionate Pizza Guild. It sets itself apart from some of the other writing groups on Hive with its unique dual-token system.

The Scholar and Scribe banner icons were designed by trashyomen. The cover image was designed by @jfuji.


Congrats @justclickindiva, @rinconpoetico7 and @loveth97! We appreciate your engagement in the community. Keep it up! 😊

Hello @kemmyb. Thanks so much for mentioning me. I do realize that I have fallen way short of engaging on a consistent basis as I would like in the Community. That's what happens when you commit to more than one community and other projects that you can't seem to cover on a daily or weekly basis.

There's always room for improvement in which I'm constantly a work in progress. I appreciate your kind compliment for my effort though.

Take care.

We have also been lax as of late. But that's all about to change soon. Thanks for staying with us all this time. ❤️

Thank you @kemmyb 😊

Thanks a lot @grocko 🙂

Thank you for the award, I'm very happy. For me, commenting on a good story is a delight and I do it with great pleasure.

A hugs!