S&S Invitational: Winter Edition

in Scholar and Scribelast month

🕺 Welcome to the Scholar and Scribe Invitational 🕺

The Invitational is our bi-weekly, super-duper, writing contest. It is where we match quills and draw blood all for the sake of the craft. We all know a 'friendly' competition never hurts anyone, much, especially when it can be used as a platform to improve your writing. 🙌

🧐 Rules of Engagement 🧐

  • Entries must adhere to the genre AND thematic prompt;
  • Entries must be between 500 and 1500 words.
    Note: this does not include any intro/footer text.
  • You must post your entry in Scholar and Scribe and use the #scholarandscribe tag;
  • Deadline for submission is Sunday, 23rd of February (23.59, GMT + 01);
  • All languages are welcome but MUST include an English translation;
  • Link your entry in the comment section below; ⏬

🤑 Prizes and Goodies 🤑

The winners will be announced in two weeks. Winners of what? An astute question. The prizes are as follows:

🥇 Gold: 2 HSBI, 300 Ecency points, 50 SCHOLAR, 3 SCRIBE
🥈 Silver: 1 HSBI, 200 Ecency points4, 40 SCHOLAR, 2 SCRIBE
🥉 Bronze: 100 Ecency points, 30 SCHOLAR, 1 SCRIBE
🎖️ Runner(s) Up: Valuable goodies!

IN ADDITION- Each participant will get a modest review of their work from the modding team. With the additional opportunity of getting an in-depth critical review if they so choose. 🙂

🤺 Prompt 🤺


🎥 Genre: Sci/Fi
🎨 Theme: Winter

✅ WHAT THIS PROMPT IS: Robots, cyborgs, Spaceships, Snowmen, and Santa. Not in that order, or at all. Just rambling off winter and sci-fi themes. 😆

WHAT THIS PROMPT ISN'T: Swords and sorcery on a hot summer's day.

We are starting this season off with an interesting combo. Unique but vast. There are several directions you can take this prompt. As always, there are no hard rules, make sure you tangentially follow the theme/genre. For instance, a story about dwarves finding a treasure map on the beach would not do. But a time travel story centered around saving Christmas? Well, now you're speaking our language. 😁

May the odds - and your creative energy - be ever in your favor!

We'd like to give out a big shout-out and thank you to Ecency for sponsoring this contest! 🤗

A big thank you to @melinda010100 as well for the seamless communication.

Check out the Ecency front-end and/or mobile app for more information on how to use your points.

Check out our 2024 Scribe of the Year

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Read The 2024 Scribe Spotlights


About the Scholar and Scribe Community

Scholar and Scribe is a creative writing community founded in the forges of Hive's passionate Pizza Guild. It sets itself apart from some of the other writing groups on Hive with its unique dual-token system.

The Scholar and Scribe banner icons were designed by trashyomen. The cover image was designed by @jfuji.


How do I find the current prompt / topic?

Hi. Current prompt is on this very post—
🎥 Genre: Sci/Fi
🎨 Theme: Winter

Thanks. Not my jam, but I'll look out for upcoming resonances.

Hi @kemmyb

I love the genre, it's one of my favorites and with winter as a theme, an excellent combination for creativity.
Thanks for the invitation😘

Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
To Opt-Out of my witness beer program just comment STOP below

Hey @popurri, here is a little bit of BEER from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

Thank you and greetings 😘

This is such a great prompt..... and one I'm going to really struggle with. Because scifi and cold places are two of my "natural" themes.

So I feel like I need to cook up something absolutely extra special. More for my own satisfaction... I don't want to feel like I'm just handing in something pedestrian, or similar to anything else I've written.

This might take some thought !

Because scifi and cold places are two of my "natural" themes.

Those are some very specific natural themes. 😁

Um, yeah I could have probably phrased it a bit less weirdly.....

Hmmmm.... I might have procrastinated too long to join in this one... Cut off time is... sometime tonight... I am guessing around 14 hours from now?

You can still make it Zakky!

Hmmmm... not a fan of Christmas theme... But I suppose I could skip that...

Yeah. Christmas is just one part of Winter.

Well I am tempted. I like the genre. Lol

I wrote a thing ! By my twisted and grimdark standards, it's almost cheerful.....


Enjoy !

@obsidiancubed - the Einheriar are back for another outing 😁