It's a bit sad to know this was the last exhibition, but only for this year. It's the end of December, there are two working days left, so the existing exhibitions stay open but none of the galleries organizing new ones for now.
This exhibition was hosted by the Art Nouveau gallery, which is one of my favorites because there are always so many amazing artworks to see. This time it wasn't any different, what I saw was absolutely amazing.
Gábor Kentelki - Meteorites
And this was where the guessing game started again. Why? I mean the title of the painting was given, you knew what you're looking at, but I was thinking, how would I paint or draw meteorites. The brutal truth is, I have no idea, so congrats to the artist for creating this painting.
Botond Kuti - Aspiro
The first thing I noticed here was those lovely colors. That copper red is one of my favorite and no matter where it is, on what it is, it'll will always catch my attention. The colors used here are in perfect harmony in my opinion, I love the transition from one shade to another and I see a lot of energy in this painting, but can't explain why. It's just a feeling.
Let's see, do you see what I see? Do you see any similarities between the paintings?
Dénes Kuti - A & Q
Dénes Kuti - Dream & Reality
Two artworks from the same artist. Two different canvases, but still similar in some way, if we look at the colors used. The light green on dark green background will always be a winner and if I were to choose, I would go with the second one, not just for the colors, but for the meaning as well. Dream & Reality, this is what we're facing every day. You have a dream, then reality kicks in. Looking at the second painting, I agree with the artist, that's kind of how dream and reality looks like. They never look the same in real life.
Doina Mihailescu - I Wanted To Be
Now this painting may look like those nice flower compositions or photos that remind you of the Chinese floral designs, but it's not.
At a closer look, this is what you see. It has a way deeper meaning. I love those artworks that have double or multiple meanings and maybe hidden messages and this one was not the only such artwork at the exhibition.
Enikő Bíró Kálmán - Cosmic Perspective
This painting brought smile on my face, because I recognized it. I have seen it before at another exhibition and was even able to remember where it was placed. This is a scary thing and I'm really surprised I'm able to remember these things, but it's a good scary thing. The detail that gave it away was those boats. The artist has this style, those boats were present on many of her canvases, most of the paintings at that exhibition had boats as the artist had some connection with the sea. This is a particular one as it's huge. Literally huge, compared to a normal, or usual canvas.
Calin Pop - Athos Mountain
I've never seen the Athos mountain in real life, so I can't testify if it looks something similar like the painting, but it doesn't even matter. It's the artist's way f presenting the mountain and I love it. Why? Because of the colors and the brushstrokes, which are not even brushstrokes as most likely a spatula was used to distribute the paint. It's unique and that's what it counts. I'm starting to realize in most cases the colors can win me over.
Andrea Cabuz - Samadhi 1
This painting looked so perfect that I had to go closer to see if it's not printed. And it wasn't. It was hand painted with real paint.
Samādhi, in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and yogic schools, is a state of meditative consciousness. In many Indian religious traditions, the cultivation of Samādhi through various meditation methods is essential for the attainment of spiritual liberation (known variusly as nirvana, moksha).
In the oldest Buddhist sutras, on which several contemporary western Theravada teachers rely, it refers to the development of an investigative and luminous mind which is equanimous and mindful. In the yogic traditions, and the Buddhist commentarial tradition on which the Burmese Vipassana movement and the Thai Forest tradition rely, it is interpreted as a meditative absorption or trance, attained by the practice of dhyāna. source
Andrea Cabuz - Samadhi 2
I'm not into meditation, this is why I can only appreciate the artworks and only what I see, without understanding the deeper meaning. However, I like them both. Kind of can see the connection between the physical world and spiritual one through that light coming from above. Or I'm totally wrong. But we all see what we want to see, so I guess it's ok to be wrong.
Krisztina Molnár - On Fire
This was an amazing piece and I must admit, I've never seen anything similar. At first, all you see is the red canvas, but at a closer look, you can see all the marvelous details.
Under that layer of burning red paint, there's a whole city. It's a brilliant idea. I'd love to see the whole process, from the beginning to the end to understand it better.
This was the art parade for today. I hope you can find one that you like. If not, stay tuned as there's more to come, lots of different styles as well.

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