Hola hola amigos musicales, espero hayan descansado, y tengan todos una excelente semana, bienvenidos a mi blog!
Hoy, les traigo una hermosa melodia cristiana de la banda Twice, titulada: Amor sin condiciones, haciendo referencia al amor de Dios por la humanidad, quien envio a su unico hijo, sin exigir de nosotros nada a cambio, solo por Amor, para salvarnos del pecado!
No existe un amor mas grande que el de Dios, y, debemos recompensarlo, o agradecerle amandole a El y viviendo como a el le agrada!
Hare un instrumental en el piano con acompañamiento de guitarra!
Espero les agrade!
Hello hello musical friends, I hope you have rested, and have a great week, welcome to my blog!
Today, I bring you a beautiful Christian melody from the band Twice, titled: Love without conditions, referring to the love of God for humanity, who sent his only son, without demanding anything from us in return, just for Love, to save us from sin!
There is no greater love than God's, and, we must reward it, or thank Him by loving Him and living as He pleases!
I will do an instrumental on the piano with guitar accompaniment!
I hope you like it!
Translated with https://www.deepl.com/translator
▶️ 3Speak